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近一个时期,报刊上发表了不少论述“三审制”的文章。这些文章大多是言之凿凿,闻之殷殷,给人以很多启迪的。“三审制”之所以成为人们议论的焦点之一,不仅是由于它是提高书刊质量,实现出版工作阶段性转移的重要环节,而且也由于目前在对“三审制”的认识上以及实践上,都存在一些值得我们深入思考和认真探讨的问题。本文想结合“三审制”执行中的一些实际问题,谈一点自己粗浅的认识。 一、真审还是假审 据我所知,认为稿件来了便可以发表,不需要审稿把关的人是极少的;认为“三审制”作为一项保证书刊质量的重要制度已经过时了的意见也不占上风。但是,只要我们稍加留意就会发现,“三审制”在一些单位并没有真正落实,不同程度地存在着理论与实践脱节的现象。一些书刊的发稿单尽管“关卡”重重、栏目齐全,但大多是空着的。在那上面,既看不到二审、三审的审稿痕迹,也看不出一审在审稿过程中做了哪些工作,又提出哪些需要二审、三审重点把关的问题。一审、二审和三审在同一天签字的,也绝非个别。一本书稿,少则几万字,多则几十万字,如果粗略地翻上一遍,少说也要二三天时间,怎么可能一天内完成三审呢?即便是二审、三审只抽看一部分,也难得如此之神速。基于这样一些事实,我提出了“是真审还是假审”的问题。这 Nearly a period of time, the press published a lot of articles on “three trial system.” Most of these articles are conclusive, well-received, giving a lot of enlightenment. The reason why “third review system” has become one of the focuses of people’s discussion is not only because it is an important link to improve the quality of books and periodical transfer of publishing work, but also because of the current understanding and practice of “third review system” There are some problems that deserve our thorough consideration and careful consideration. This article wants to combine with some practical problems in the implementation of the “third review system” and talk about my superficial understanding. First, the trial or false trial As far as I know, that manuscripts can be published, do not need to review the gatekeepers are minimal; that “the system of third instance” as an important system to ensure the quality of the book is out of date The views do not prevail. However, as long as we pay close attention to it, we can see that the “third review system” has not been implemented in some units and that there is a gap between theory and practice in varying degrees. Some books and periodicals drafts despite the “level” heavy, complete section, but mostly empty. At that point, we can neither see traces of the second instance or the third instance, nor do we see what the first instance did during the review process and what issues we need to focus on in the second instance and the third instance. The first instance, second instance and third instance signed on the same day, it is by no means individual. A manuscript, at least tens of thousands of words, as many as hundreds of thousands of words, if roughly turned over again, less said two or three days, how can one day to complete the third trial? Even the second trial, third trial only Take a look at the part, but also rare so fast. Based on these facts, I put forward the question of “whether it is a trial or a trial.” This
1.产生高密度金属离子的HCD蒸镀法 过去真空蒸镀和溅镀,曾被光学和半导体工业广泛采用,做为一种近乎理想的无公害镀膜法,代替了温式镀膜,但是进入70年代以来,人们对于这些方
最近,有关告密引发的全民讨论与争执,撕裂着中国社会对历史问题的共识,双方都认为对方的言行伤害了自己的价值观、信仰和行为规范。如何克服社会意识鸿沟?也许,中国社会需要更多的宽恕之心。  人类生活中难以承受的生命之重,是亲密的、尊重的人对自己的伤害、误解、欺骗和背叛,严重的甚至可能使我们质疑自己生命存在的价值和意义,以及社会的公平和友善。  无论是在东方还是西方,复仇思想普遍存在,“君子报仇,十年不晚