Stem cell-derived exosomes: roles in stromal remodeling, tumor progression,and cancer immunotherapy

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong527
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Stem cells are known to maintain sternness at least in part through secreted factors that promote stem-like phenotypes in resident cells.Accumulating evidence has clarified that stem cells release nano-vesicles,known as exosomes,which may serve as mediators of cell-to-cell communication and may potentially transmit stem cell phenotypes to recipient cells,facilitating stem cell maintenance,differentiation,self-renewal,and repair.It has become apparent that stem cell-derived exosomes mediate interactions among stromal elements,promote genetic instability in recipient cells,and induce malignant transformation.This review will therefore discuss the potential of stem cell-derived exosomes in the context of stromal remodeling and their ability to generate cancer-initiating cells in a tumor niche by inducing morphologic and functional differentiation of fibroblasts into tumor-initiating fibroblasts.In addition,the immunosuppressive potential of stem cell-derived exosomes in cancer immunotherapy and their prospective applications in cell-free therapies in future translational medicine is discussed. Stem cells are known to maintain sternness at least in part through secreted factors that promote stem-like phenotypes in resident cells. Accumulating evidence has clarified that stem cells release nano-vesicles, known as exosomes, which may serve as a mediators of cell- to- cell communication and may possibly transmit stem cell phenotypes to recipient cells, facilitating stem cell maintenance, differentiation, self-renewal, and repair. It has been apparent that stem cell-derived exosomes mediate interactions among stromal elements, promote genetic instability in recipient cells, and induce malignant transformation. This review will therefore discuss the potential of stem cell-derived exosomes in the context of stromal remodeling and their ability to generate cancer-initiating cells in a tumor niche by inducing morphologic and functional differentiation of fibroblasts into tumor-initiating fibroblasts In addition, the immunosuppressive potential of stem cell-derived exosomes in cancer immunothera py and their prospective applications in cell-free therapies in future translational medicine are discussed.
摘 要:法学是一门应用性学科,实践型教学是法学教育的应有之义。通过检视当下国内高校在实践型教学中的真实境遇,文中指出法学实践型教学规范性长期存在偏离的现象。因此,为培养出合格的应用型法律人才,应健全和完善法学实践型教学的规范性模式。  关键词:法学教育;实践教学;规范性  中图分类号:D90-4;G712 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-4379-(2017)32-0070-02  作者简介:
摘 要:农村法治建设在我国的法治建设进程中具有十分重要的地位。我国是农业人口占多数的国家,农业是国民经济的基础。“三农”问题的解决仅靠政府的推动和传统礼法的约束是远远不够的,必须运用法律的手段,依靠国家的强制力去规范。本文采取问卷调查的方式,对吉林省伊通县万德村的法治现状进行了侧重调查,针对万德村法治建设中存在的问题进行分析,进一步明确万德村法治建设必须全面贯彻法治原则,在加强农民法律意识的基础上
雅正说作为一种词学理论 ,它是以宋代雅词创作实践和词坛雅化运动为创作支撑 ,以儒家诗教理想为文化思想支撑 ,以宋代美学思潮及审美理想为美学支撑建构起来的 ,因此 ,雅正说
摘 要:法律援助制度是法律援助机构为贫困或者特殊案件提供无偿法律服务的制度,是国家对人权保护重视程度的重要体现,同时也是保护弱势群体合法权益的重要途径。但是,我国法律援助制度存在立法层次水平低、法律援助人员素质水平低、经费不足等问题,限制了法律援助作用的发挥。因此,文章针对我国法律援助制度存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了若干完善策略,以供参考。  关键词:我国;法律援助制度;问题;策略  中图分类号
一、数学教学评价的概念    所谓数学教学评价,主要指依据一定的客观标准,通过各种测量和相关资料的收集,对数学教学活动及其效果进行客观衡量和科学判定的系统过程。  由此可以看出,数学教学评价从本质上讲是一种对数学教学活动及其效果的价值判断。要很好地完成这一判断,得出科学结论,评价者必须在一定的客观标准下,认真地进行各种测量,系统地收集数学教学活动各方面的资料或证据。在这里,所谓测量是指评价者对评价
摘 要:法律诊所式教育与应用型法律人才的培养是密不可分的,法律诊所式教学是培养应用型法律人才的新模式和新方法。法律诊所式教学旨在培养学生应用能力和实践能力,采用校内和校外相结合,事业单位与学校相结合,理论和实践相结合的方式,来提高学生的社会实践能力,并加深学生对理论知识的理解,提高学生职业道德水平,增强学生对法律的尊崇和信仰,促进应用型法律人才的培养,为我国实现依法治国奠定人才基础。  关键词:法