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  华菱钢铁的领导和同事们,不但对我非常友好,而且对我的生活也是无微不至地关心。为我配置舒适的住所,帮助我购买日常用品、食品和其他必需品,让我感受到家庭一样的温暖。同事们经常邀请我到他们的家里做客,或者一起去餐馆品尝长沙的美味佳肴,陪我参观湖南的名胜古迹,让我领略了伟人家乡的秀美、张家界的奇观、龙舟赛的精彩。他们还教我学中文,使我对中国的古代文明有更多的了解,悠久的历史甚至胜过希腊。湖南已成为我的另一个“家” ,我已经适应了这里的饮食,熟悉了这里的人和他们工作、生活的方式。
  I came to Changsha more than two and a half years ago.Before arriving I knew about it only what I was able to read on the internet: It is the capital of the Hunan Province with about 1.6 million people in the city proper and over 6 million in the metropolitan area.The province has about 60 million people.Its climate varies, being subtropical in its southern parts. It is mostly agricultural, producing about 15% of the entire production of rice in China. It is also Chairman Mao's home province and initial power base.I had no idea whether it was flat or mountainous, covered by vegetation or barren, to what degree it was developed, did it have cars or were people mostly riding bicycles?What was the state of this company called at the time Hunan Valin Steel Tube and Wire Co., Ltd.?Would the people be friendly and treat me well or see me as a selfish westerner?These and so many more were my questions about the place, the people and the company where I was to spend the next few years of my life. So I came with some apprehension, having some definite work plans in mind but otherwise determined to simply try to fit in and survive as best as I could.Of course I was very excited about the assignment, which for me was a great opportunity to use my previous experience of thirty years in the steel industry in order to make a small contribution to my company and to Hunan Valin.
  What I actually found surpassed even my most wishful thinking:The company was already equipped with some of the newest and best facilities in the world for production and research with plans in place for significant additional investments to further improve its technology and capabilities.My colleagues at all levels were knowledgeable, hard working and committed to their company and its success.They were open minded to my suggestions and supported their implementation.
  The level of investment in housing, offices and infrastructure was unbelievable.Old buildings were torn down and in their place multi story high rises were built to house businesses and people, many of whom left their homes in the country side and came to Changsha and the other major cities in Hunan in search of a higher paying job.The speed of erecting these buildings and other facilities was and continues to boggle the mind of the uninitiated foreigner.I have come to call it "Chinese speed"!
  The weather was about as I expected, except for what I named "the surprise of 2008"!The most severe winter for this area in 50 years played havoc with life as we knew it.Plants shut down, supplies became scarce and electricity was cut off because of lack of coal for the power plants and downed power lines.But hardest hit of all was transportation, with hundreds of thousands of people stranded at airports, rail stations and even the wonderful interprovincial highways.People were said to have spent well over 24 hours stuck on the highways without food and water.But out of this catastrophe emerged the wonderful spirit of the Chinese people who all pitched in, manual labor and office workers alike, as best they could to clear ice from roads and bridges, train stations and sidewalks. My colleagues from Hunan Valin and I also participated in this activity, clearing snow and ice from the platforms of the Changsha train station.The response of the people was tremendous: Radio and TV reporters became aware of an American assisting in this effort alongside all the Chinese people and came to hear my story and why I had decided to participate.The next day I even spoke to the Beijing office of CBS (one of the major American TV networks) about it. Everyone seemed to want to know why an American cared to assist in this activity.Inside buildings and offices were very cold and difficult to heat and keep warm.I thought that if I had my way I would propose changing the building codes to improve insulation, at least for all new buildings; in the process I am certain a great deal of energy would be saved even if the initial cost will be a little higher.
  The terrain indeed fit the agricultural model that I envisioned for Hunan.There are many fields for growing rice and other staples.But the big surprise was the hilly terrain, with all hills completely covered by trees and bushes.Driving along the highways big and small everything looks green.And there was evidence of abundant water available for irrigating the fields and for human and animal consumption.How richly endowed Hunan really is in this very precious resource!
  Another source of amazement is the deep love and adoration people in Hunan reserve towards Mao Zedong.After all this time after his death people frequently proudly spoke of him and his importance to China and were always eager to show his home, school and museum and explain his achievements.
  My colleagues at Hunan Valin Steel Co., Ltd were not only friendly but from the beginning became very concerned about everything affecting my life here.They made sure I had a suitable apartment to live in, helped me purchase the little things necessary to make an apartment a home, arranged for me to have food and other necessities.They made sure I never spent a major Chinese holiday alone and without something to do or something new to see in Hunan. Visits to the Provincial Museum in Changsha, Zhangjiajie during Spring Festival to see its natural wonders and the town of Miluo for the dragon boat races and related history of the area are only a few examples of all the great experiences I have been fortunate to enjoy.They invited me into their homes or out to dinner in one of the wonderful restaurants that Changsha has plenty of.They were from the beginning very eager to teach me their language and their rich history, which even predates my own Greek heritage, and can be proud of at least as many important achievements.
  But some of the greatest experiences of my life are undoubtedly connected with two events that took place in 2008: My participation in the 2008 Beijing Olympics torch relay when it went through Changsha and the Friendship Award that I received from the Governor of the Hunan Province at the recommendation of the Hunan Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.
  Again, through the efforts of my colleagues at Valin and the support of the Hunan Sports Bureau I was one of only two foreigners and the only westerner selected to carry the Olympic flame through Changsha.Even though I had carried the Olympic flame once before in my native Greece during the 1972 Olympics torch relay, participating in Hunan was something that will be etched in memory for the rest of my life.Everyone was so proud of China's opportunity to host the Games and so committed to their success that the atmosphere prior to and during the relay was very festive.With flags waving and "jia yo" heard all the time the people of Changsha followed the route of the flame and became participants in this once-in-a-lifetime spectacle.
  When I was informed that I was selected to receive the Friendship award during the National Day holidays at first I was totally incredulous:What had I done, other than my job, to deserve such an honor?Again it was my Valin colleagues who firmly reassured me that I truly deserved it and although I still found it difficult to believe, I was deeply honored and humbled enough to accept the selection and receive the award in a wonderful ceremony.What made it doubly enjoyable was that my wife happened to be in Changsha at the time and was also able to share in this experience.
  It is fair to say that Changsha and Hunan have become for me another "home away from home". I easily adjusted to the wonderful Hunan cuisine and have become very familiar with the people and their way of working and living.Work continues to be as exciting as ever, despite the global financial crisis that has affected both the companies I work for and the local economy.It is good to see that China is perhaps less affected by the global downturn than most of the other economies and there is optimism that it may pull out of the crisis sooner and better than most.
  As to Hunan Valin, we will make full use of advanced technology of ArcelorMittal , and transfer of its world-leading automotive plates and electrical steel production technology, the implementation"four major projects" and "three bases "of the Eleventh Five-Year plan, adjust product structure to conquer and resolve the effects of theworld financial crisis on the company.
近日,12名在京工作的外国专家喜获北京市2007年度外国专家“长城友谊奖”。3月4日上午,郭金龙市长在市政府亲切会见了获奖专家并向他们颁发了奖牌。  为表彰外国专家为首都社会和经济建设做出的突出贡献,北京市政府从在京工作的5200多名外国专家中评选出北京市食品安全办公室美国籍专家杰拉德·毛易先生等13人,授予2007年度“长城友谊奖”。获奖专家中有默默耕耘在北京市教育战线上的外国文教专家,有积极在
坐落于北京朝阳区的对外经济贸易大学是培养中国商务人才的基地。尤其是国际化方面,对外经济贸易大学以培养国际化高素质的复合型人才为教学目标,走在全国高校的前列。  2004年,对外经贸大学党委副书记陈建香作为高校领导赴美培训团的一员,到美国斯坦福大学等八所知名高校接受了为期一个月的培训学习,回国后借鉴国外高校先进经验,结合对外经贸大学的特点,陈建香在实践中进行了有益的尝试,在高校的国际化之路及学生工作
近期,辽宁省政府研究确定了辽宁省2008年“3个100项”(基础设施100项、工业100项、高技术100项)重点项目。为进一步了解这些项目特别是重点工业结构调整及高新技术产业化项目对海外人才的需求状况,紧紧围绕这些重大项目积极主动地做好外国专家的服务工作,辽宁省外专局局长赵洪涛带领相关人员分赴丹东、锦州和盘锦进行了专题调研。  省外专局先后对丹东华通测控有限公司、锦州凌海市金华冶金有限公司、盘锦华
云南红梨科技开发有限公司和桂林吉福思生物技术有限公司依托产学研结合发展路径,采取直接面向国际市场的产业化模式,为引智成果的转化和推广工作提供了有益的思路。    引智成果的示范推广一直是广为关注的话题。国家外专局局长季允石在今年初召开的全国外专局长会议上指出,要“加大引智成果推广示范力度,……重点支持推广一批效益好、前景好、推广价值大的成熟引智成果,促进成果尽快实现产业化。”  从某种意义上讲,作
“美国政府一直鼓励银行贷款给偿付能力不足的人;美联储一直降低利率直至1%;房地美和房利美为住房抵押贷款提供担保;这些做法造成了借款-消费-再借款-再消费的循环,结果石油泡沫、钢铁泡沫、房产泡沫等等随之出现,经济一团糟。”    Barry Asmus博士于1968年获得 Montana州立大学的经济学博士学位。从1984年开始,他任职于美国国家政策分析中心(the National Center
面对二十一世纪科学技术迅速发展的挑战,医院要想在激烈的竞争中站稳脚跟,立于不败之地,必须把自身的战略重点放在构筑人才高地,实施人才战略上。哈佛及海归团队的形成,加速了医院的学科建设,为医院向更高层次发展奠定了基础。    山東大学附属济南市中心医院是一所三级甲等医院,改革开放30年来,医院发生了巨大变化,成为省城极具实力的几家大医院之一,但是,随着社会的不断发展,在医疗市场日益激烈竞争的形势下,医
1983年7月8日,邓小平同志发表了著名的《利用外国智力和扩大对外开放》重要谈话,指出“要利用外国智力,请一些外国人来参加我们的重点建设以及各方面的建设。对这个问题我们认识不足,决心不大。搞现代化建设,我们既缺少经验,又缺少知识。”    改革开放30年来,我国社会主义现代化建设取得举世瞩目的辉煌成就。作为我国改革开放事业的重要组成部分和加快现代化建设必须长期坚持的战略方针,引进国外智力(以下简称
24年来,中国国际人才交流协会成为我国引进国外智力工作的重要渠道和窗口,中以合作项目、哈佛大学培训项目等成为引进国外智力领域的知名品牌。而今如何利用市场化的机制来推动国际人才交流与合作这项事业,成为协会的又一项新课题。    中国国际人才交流协会(以下简称协会)成立于1985年,是经中国政府批准的全国性的专门从事人才交流的民间机构。其宗旨是通过国际间人才交流活动,促进中国同世界各国在工业、农业、财
候选理由:  ——改革开放后,贝聿铭作为外国建筑师给中国奉献了第一个经典作品——香山饭店,数十年来他为香港、北京、苏州设计了令世界刮目相看的建筑;耄耋之年他依然远涉重洋,返回故乡,不辞辛劳地踏勘工地,以高超的审美眼光和近于绣花般的耐心,服务于中国建筑设计。    美籍华裔建筑大师贝聿铭是中国工程院外籍院士,中国国际科学技术合作奖获得者,苏州市荣誉市民。1917年生于广州,在香港度过了他的童年,中学
改革开放30年来,中国引进了数以百万计的海外专家来帮助现代化建设,他们之中,涌现出了一批批在各自领域甚至全中国都有广泛影响的杰出代表,为了使在中国具有影响力的海外专家及其事迹被更多的人所熟悉,所铭记,本刊近日正式启动“改革开放三十年中国最有影响的海外专家”评选活动。本期特别策划介绍的29位海外专家,都是“改革开放三十年中国最有影响的海外专家”候选人。  这29名候选专家,绝大多数是中国政府“友谊奖