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儒学在本世纪的衰落和世纪末的复苏,是社会及其文化辩证运动的表现,都有其时代的深刻动因。儒学衰落的主要原因:一是传统帝制宗法社会崩溃,二是西方文化成为主流,三是社会革命运动高涨。但是儒学并没有消亡,因为它的根基还存在,它的思想体系是还有许多具有普遍意义与未来价值的内容。批儒运动只能冲掉它的陈腐僵化部分,而使它的合理内核显现出来。并推动它的转化和创新。儒学在八十年代以来的复苏,一是得力于改革开放政策,二是得力于东亚地区的迅速发展,三是由于西方有识之士对工业文明的反省。儒学在它的故乡重新受到重视,它的资源正在得到开发。它将在中国精神文明建设中,在世界普遍伦理建设中,在儒商文化建设中,在维护世界和平中,发挥越来越大的积极作用。 The decline of Confucianism in this century and the recovery of the end of the century are the manifestations of the social and cultural dialectical movement and have profound motivation of its time. The main reasons for the decline of Confucianism: First, the collapse of the traditional imperial patriarchal society, the second is the mainstream of Western culture, and third is the high social revolutionary movement. However, Confucianism did not die out because its foundation still exists. Its ideological system is still rich in content of universal significance and future value. The Confucianism movement has only washed away its stereotyped parts and made its reasonable core appear. And promote its transformation and innovation. The resurgence of Confucianism since the 1980s is due to the policy of reform and opening up, the rapid development of East Asia and the reflection of industrial civilization by western people of insight. Confucianism is once again valued in its homeland and its resources are being developed. It will play a more and more positive role in the construction of spiritual civilization in China, in the construction of universal ethics in the world, in the cultural construction of Confucianism, and in the maintenance of world peace.
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