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居住在加拿大北极地区的因纽特人近千年来都对季节性气候类型、物种迁徙路线,以及土地和环境有着敏锐的了解,而他们的日常生活也需要与这些因素相协调。如今,随着气候条件的变化,地缘政治的纷争和资源开发型经济的发展,加拿大北部地区无论从环境、文化还是经济上来讲,都是一个正剧烈变化着的生态系统。这种严酷而又脆弱的环境要求当地居民采取标准化、创新式的空间实践活动,数个世纪以来他们通过不断适应,使得传统和现代两种生活方式得以共存。《多极:极地中的空间实践》一书所记录的实践活动在土地上留下了或永久或短暂的印迹;这些活动有的是当地古老传承下来的,有的是近期出现、经过精心筹划的;所有这些活动要么受季节性和全球性变化所影响,要么是这些变化的产物。所有实践活动均具有深深扎根于本土生态系统之中的、与众不同的创新性,使得加拿大北部地区的居民已经能够在该地区生活,进而建造居所、促进流动和获取资源。 The Inuit people living in the Arctic region of Canada have had a keen understanding of seasonal climate types, species migration routes, and land and environment for thousands of years, and their daily lives also need to be coordinated with these factors. Today, with changes in climate conditions, geopolitical disputes and the development of resource-based economies, Northern Canada is an ever-changing ecosystem in terms of environment, culture, and economy. This harsh and fragile environment requires local residents to adopt standardized and innovative space practice activities. Over the centuries, they have adapted to make both traditional and modern lifestyles coexist. The practical activities recorded in the book “Multipolar: Space Practice in the Polar” have left a permanent or short-term imprint on the land; some of these activities were inherited from the ancient past, and some were recently emerged and carefully planned; all these Activities are either influenced by seasonal and global changes or are the product of these changes. All practical activities have distinctive innovations that are deeply rooted in the indigenous ecosystems, so that residents of northern Canada have been able to live in the area, thereby building homes, promoting mobility and access to resources.
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