
来源 :雕塑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chmwingflying
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以精美的石、木雕饮誉中外的惠安,连续举办了两届雕艺比赛活动,即2000年中国雕刻艺术节和2001年中国惠安传统雕刻大赛,吸引了大量的国内外优秀的雕塑家和民间工艺美术师参加,整个活动充满了紧张、友好、敬业的活力和时代的精神。惠安举办的雕艺活动不只是给雕塑家提供相互交流、取长补短、互通有无、共同发展的机会,也是一次学习传统雕塑制作技术,创新产品和更新观念,探讨与艺术家建成长期合作关系,丰富自己创作手段的新起点。 雕刻艺术产业是惠安县的主要支柱产业。改革开放以来,随着中国社会经济的发展和对外开放政策的实施,各类工艺美术企业迅速崛起,惠安有石雕企业 With exquisite stone and woodcarving, both Huian and home and abroad, held two consecutive carving competitions, that is, the 2000 China Carving Festival and China Huian traditional sculpture competition in 2001, attracting a large number of outstanding sculptors and folk crafts at home and abroad Artist participation, the entire event is full of tension, friendship, dedication and the spirit of the times. Wai’an’s carvings not only provide sculptors with the opportunity to learn from each other’s strengths and complement each other, but also to learn from each other about traditional sculpture making techniques, innovative products and renewal concepts, explore long-term relationships with artists and enrich themselves A new starting point for creation. Carving art industry is the main pillar industry in Hui’an County. Since the reform and opening up, with the development of China’s social economy and the implementation of the policy of opening to the outside world, various arts and crafts enterprises have risen rapidly. There are stone carving enterprises in Hui’an
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绝版木刻画作为独具云南本土民族文化特征的美术画种,理应在高校美术专业教学 中得到继承和发扬。资源优化、传承为本。重点学科的设立应与相应的工作室教学模式配套 实施。设