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我们在室内栽菇的基础上,近两年又在成年桔园里,利用常年为桔树所施的稻草、花生稿等材料,进行了栽培平菇的试验示范,获得了较好的经济效益。现将资料及体会整理供交流。 一、桔园栽菇的可行性 1、冬季桔园栽菇可行 平菇对环境条件的适应性较强。我们从1986年11月21日~1987年2月11日栽菇四批,生物效率为37.6~66.4%,实践证明,赣中地区冬季桔园薄膜保温栽培能获丰收。 2、桔园栽菇的最佳期 赣中地区宫川温柑约在10月中、下旬采收,尾张在11月上、中旬采收,随后即清园施基肥,此阶段经秋末一严冬一初春的过程,自然温度变化是高一 Based on the indoor planting of mushrooms, we experimented and cultivated the mushrooms on the basis of the planting of mushrooms in the past two years and in adult orange orchards in the year, using straw, peanut draft and other materials applied to the orange trees all the year round, and obtained good economic benefits . Now the information and experience finishing for the exchange. First, the feasibility of orange plantation mushrooms 1, Orange plantation in winter mushrooms Pleurotus on the adaptability of environmental conditions. We planted four batches of mushrooms from November 21, 1986 to February 11, 1987 with a bio-efficiency of 37.6-66.4%. Practice has proved that harvesting of winter orange film in winter in central Jiangxi Province can be achieved. 2, the best orange garden mushrooms Ganzhong region Kawamoto temperature about orange harvest in mid-October, late harvest in late January, mid-harvest, then the park base fertilizer, this stage by the end of autumn Winter is a process of early spring, the natural temperature change is high
In this article,we consider the Lipschitz metric of conservative weak solutions for the rotation-Camassa-Holm equation.Based on defining a Finsler-type norm on
In this article,we study the hitting probabilities of weighted Poisson processes and their subordinated versions with different intensities.Furthermore,we simul