
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wilee818
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军事经济保障力诸要素的组合形态有四种,即结构、规模、时序和布局。科学合理的军事经济保障力结构是一个动态发展的概念,具备四个特征要求,即:目标高效化,功能系统化,过程协调化和终点均衡化。军事经济保障力规模也是一个动态发展概念,它受制于自然、经济、科技和社会等多种因素条件,在进行选择和优化时应遵循四个基本原则:投入产出率最大化原则,产出能力均衡配置原则,搞好专业化分工协作的原则,有利于军事科学技术进步的原则。军事经济保障力时序是指保障力诸要素在组合成一个系统时,各自进入和退出结合过程在时间上的先后次序,它对军事经济建设和发展有着重要的意义。军事经济保障力布局按照考察分析空间大小的不同,可以分为三个层次:一是宏观布局,即保障力的全国总体布局;二是中观布局,即军事经济产业部门和战区保障力布局;三是微观布局,即军事经济微观实体的区位、座落及其内部配置,实体组织建设条件、发展预期等。 There are four types of combinations of the various elements of military economic security force: structure, scale, timing and layout. Scientific and reasonable structure of military economic security forces is a dynamic concept of development, with four characteristics, namely: the goal of efficiency, functional system, the process of coordination and the end of the balance. The scale of military economic security is also a dynamic concept of development. It is subject to many factors such as nature, economy, science and technology and society. Four basic principles should be followed when selecting and optimizing: the principle of maximizing input-output rate, the output The principle of a balanced allocation of capabilities and the principle of professional division of labor and cooperation are in principle conducive to the advancement of military science and technology. The time sequence of military economic security refers to the order of time when each of the various elements of supportive forces are combined into a system, which is of great significance to the construction and development of the military economy. The distribution of military economic security forces can be divided into three levels according to the size of the investigation and analysis space: the first is the overall layout of the macro-layout, that is, the guarantee force; the second is the layout of the middle-level military layout, that is, the distribution of the military economy and the protection of industries in the theater; Third, the micro-layout, that is, the location of microeconomic entities in the military economy, their location and their internal disposition, the conditions for the development of substantive organizations, and their expectations for the development of the economy.
近年来,头戴蓝色贝雷帽,身着本国军装,系蓝色领巾,胸前佩本国标志,右臂佩联合国及本国标志臂章的联合国军事观察员(United Nations Military Observer,缩写为UNMO)精神抖擞
电子战:使用电磁能量测定、利用、削弱或通过破坏、摧毁阻止敌方使用电磁频谱,同时保障已方使用电磁频谱的军事行动。也称 EW.电子战有三个部分:·电子对抗措施:电子战的一