社区思想道德建设对于社区精神文明建设非常重要 ,它是进行社区形象、社区精神塑造的核心工程。思想道德与审美活动有着内在的联系。思想道德是人们对世界、对人生进行思考和体验而形成的意识形态、价值判断 ,是人们共同生活的行为准则和规范。审美活动是一种高尚的使人产生兴
The construction of community morality is very important for the construction of spiritual civilization in the community. It is the core project for shaping the community image and community spirit. Ideological and moral and aesthetic activities are intrinsically linked. Ideology and morality are ideology and value judgments formed by people thinking and experiencing the world and their lives. They are codes of conduct and norms that people live together. Aesthetic activity is a noble and rewarding one