Transgenic rice homozygous lines expressing GNA showed enhanced resistance to rice brown planthopper

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Mature seed-derived callo from two elite Chinese japonica rice (Oryza saliva L.) cultivars Eyi 105 and Ewan 5 were co-transformed with two plasmids, pWRG1515 and pRSSGNAl, containing the selectable marker hygromy-cin phosphotransferase gene (hpt), the reporter β-glu-curonidase gene (gusA) and the snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) lectin gene (gna) via particle bombardment. 61 independent transgenic rice plants were regenerated from 329 bombarded calli. 79% transgenic plants contained all the three genes, revealed by PCR/Southern blot analysis. Western blot analysis revealed that 36 out of 48 gna-containing transgenic plants expressed GNA (75%) at various levels with the highest expression being approximately 0.5% of total soluble protein. Genetic analysis confirmed Mendelian segregation of transgenes in progeny. From the R2 generations whose R1 parent plants showing 3:1 Mendelian segregation patterns, we identified five independent homozygous lines containing and expressing all the three transgenes. Insect b Mature seed-derived callo from two elite Chinese japonica rice (Oryza saliva L.) cultivars Eyi 105 and Ewan 5 were co-transformed with two plasmids, pWRG1515 and pRSSGNAl containing the selectable marker hygromy-cin phosphotransferase gene (hpt), the reporter β-glu-curonidase gene (gusA) and the snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) lectin gene (gna) via particle bombardment. 61 independent transgenic rice plants were regenerated from 329 bombarded calli. 79% transgenic plants contained all the three genes, revealed by PCR / Southern blot analysis. Western blot analysis revealed that 36 out of 48 gna-containing transgenic plants expressed GNA (75%) at various levels with the highest expression being approximately 0.5% of total soluble protein. Genetic analysis confirmed Mendelian segregation of transgenes in progeny . From the R2-generation whose R1 parent plants shows 3: 1 Mendelian segregation patterns, we identified five independent homozygous lines containing and expressing all the three t ransgenes. Insect b
由煤炭部科技局主持的 SLZ—541型水力涡轮钻机鉴定会,于一九八○年一月二十六日至二十九日在鹤壁矿务局四矿召开。参加会议的有省煤炭局、煤田地质公司及有关局、矿、科研
摘 要 武陵山片区高职学院假期组织贫困生勤工俭学建立贫困生自助机制,能减轻贫困学生家庭经济负担,安定学生学习,提高劳动技能和劳动素养;从而帮助更多的贫困生接受职业教育,更好地服务当地经济建设。  【关键词】武陵山片区;高职学院;实习作用  1 国家对高职学院贫困生资助现状  高职贫困生贫困来源于两个方面:一是无力缴纳学费,二是难于维持日常生活消费。国家高度重视高校贫困家庭的学生,建立了以奖学金、国