Students’ Initiative Learning

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  【Abstract】In the 21st century, Chinese education should pay more attention to cultivating students’ creative ability and improving students’ comprehensive quality which are suitable for social development in China, so students’ initiative is stressed nowadays in China. And as a teacher, we should protect students’ initiative and promote their active learning at school.
  【Key words】students’ initiative learning; teaching theories; research ability
  Nowadays, people in China think highly of initiative of students’ learning. Without initiative, students just like a mechanical learner and a passive receiver. Although they can read a whole passage, do a grammar exercise or achieve a great mark by mechanical learning, most of Chinese students’ abilities of listening, speaking, and communication with other foreign people are insufficient, so students’ initiative is stressed by Chinese education reform, constructivist teaching theory and humanistic teaching theory. About college reform, teaching thought is transformed from teacher-centered to student-centered education which is pay more attention to students’ initiative learning. Constructivist teaching theory believes teaching cannot ignore students’ prior knowledge and background information and only depending on these things can the new concepts or ideas be absorbed deeply by learners(Williams Marion, Burden L. Robert). Humanistic teaching theory is also stress students’ initiative and student-centered learning. Humanistic teaching theory is also called person-centered or student-centered education based on the work of humanistic psychologists.(何志武) Whole person education can promote their abilities to set and achieve proper goals, and finally achieving to their filly autonomy (students’ initiative learning behavior). Besides, humanistic teaching theory also stresses that learning is launched by students themselves, and because of their interest and acceptance they put most of his or her energy and attention to it(何志武).
  Although different theories have different shortages and weaknesses, the emphasis of students’ initiative is the most useful, significant and suitable thing for the development of education and society nowadays.
  How to cultivate students’ initiative is also a significant thing during the learning process. In China, people generally believed that research belongs to highly specialized personnel.. However, in America, people consider that research belongs to everyone, and even children who also have research ability and independent study capacity just like adults have(黃全愈). And they also insist that students’ research ability and independent study capacity should be provided with sufficient time and space so that these abilities cab be developed and cultivated. Besides, respecting students’ thought is an important thing for cultivating students’ initiative (黄全愈). As a teacher, we need to respect students’ideads so that their creative mind or initiative learning can be protected. What’s more, making a good teaching plan can also improve students’ initiative learning. For example, in the book of Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy suggests that teaching plan or lesson plan should involve some parts, among which are Goal(s), Objectives, Materials and Equipment, Procedures, Evaluation and Extra-class work(Brown Douglas. H). When a good teaching plan is made, students’ initiative learning could be developed.   Therefore, cultivating students’ initiative is one of the most significant part in new curriculum, so that the teaching method that pouring knowledge to students should be transformed into constructivist teaching method and communicative teaching method which pay more attention to students’ initiative. After knowing students’ background information, interest, motivation, cognitive mind and the like, teachers should arrange his or her class properly to arouse students’ initiative, and then students can be absorbed by the class and they will try their best to learn more as well as enjoy the whole class with good mood which is helpful for their future lifelong learning.
  [2]黄全愈.培养智慧的孩子[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社, 2010.
  [3]Brown Douglas.H.(2014),Teaching by Principles:An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy[M].(China:Foreign language teaching and research press).
  [4]Williams Marion,Burden L.Robert.(2014),Psychology for Language Teachers[M].(China:Foreign language teaching and research press,Cambridge university press).
【摘要】近年来,信息技术的发展为外语教学衍生了一种新的教学模式-计算机辅助语言学习(CALL);丰富了外语教学模式。虽然客观因素在一定程度上能够影响外语学习者的学习效果,但是情感因素也会影响外语学习者的学习效果。因此,外语教学界十分关注情感因素在计算机辅助语言学习中的应用和影响。基于此本文旨在探讨在计算机辅助英语教学中应用克拉申“情感过滤假设”对英语学习者的学习效果是否存在积极影响。  【关键词】
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