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海参扣肉 主料:海参250克 带皮五花肉500克 调料:酱油25克 白糖10克 盐4克 料酒5克 味精2克 水淀粉5克 花椒、八角、葱、姜各少许 素油500 克 高汤、香菜少许 制法:①海参刮洗净后,片成大片,加少许料酒、葱、姜入沸水锅略焯,起锅激凉待用。 ②将肉去毛、刮洗净后,切成太方块,放入冷水锅煮至七成熟,捞出,抹上酱油(不宜太多),皮朝下放入热油锅,炸至呈赤红色、起皱纹抽褶时捞出。晾凉后切成0.2厘米厚大片。 ③把加工好的海参与大肉片一夹一片地码放碗中(参皮与肉皮均朝碗底),加入酱油、盐、料酒、花椒、八角、葱、姜、高汤,上笼用旺火蒸至软烂。 ④把碗中汤滗入热锅,拣去葱、姜、八角、花椒,将海参与肉扣入盘中。汤加味精,勾芡,浇在海参、肉上,用香菜点缀即可。 Sea cucumber buckle Ingredients: 250 grams of sea cucumber pork skin 500 grams spices: soy sauce 25 grams of sugar 10 grams of salt 4 grams of cooking wine 5 grams of MSG 2 grams of water, starch 5 grams pepper, star anise, ginger, a little vegetarian oil 500 grams of soup, coriander A little system of law: ① sea cucumber scraping net, into a large piece of film, add a little cooking wine, onion, ginger into the boiling water pot slightly Zhuo, pan cool standby. ② the meat to the hair, scrape the net, cut into too square, into a cold water pot cook until seven mature, remove and put on soy sauce (not too much), skin down into the hot pan, deep fry red Color, wrinkled wrinkled fish out. Cool and cut into 0.2 cm thick slices. ③ The processed sea cucumber and a large piece of meat on a piece of code placed in the bowl (ginseng and pork skin are towards the end of the bowl), add soy sauce, salt, cooking wine, pepper, star anise, onions, ginger, broth, To rotten. ④ decant the bowl of soup into the hot pot, pick onion, ginger, star anise, pepper, the sea cucumber and meat buckle into the plate. Tonga MSG, thicken, poured in sea cucumber, meat, with coriander embellishment can be.
癌症是种慢性病  癌症是一个沉重的话题,但我们不得不面对,因为癌症其实离我们并不遥远——美国国家疾病控制中心的专家预测,如果美国人平均寿命能达到90岁,那么将会有47%的美国男性和32%的美国女性死于癌症。  尽管如此,在癌症的存活率方面,近年来却有很多让人欣慰的消息。上海中医药大学教授、著名的肿瘤治疗专家何裕民曾经介绍过来自美国的数据:“2006年6月在美国亚特兰大召开的全美肿瘤大会上公布了一个
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本文介绍干挂砂岩施工技术,干挂砂岩宜选择干挂法安装,砂岩通过挂件与龙骨连接,龙骨与埋件焊接。龙骨应做好防腐,砂岩应做好防水处理工作,加强管理确保质量。 This article