
来源 :中国药房 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:TomasZhang_888
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目的:回顾分析某院2006年度门诊理血剂应用情况,为临床合理用药及医疗监管提供参考。方法:分别对该院2006年应用的30种理血剂按科别统计用药金额、DDDs、DUI、DDC。结果:理血剂用药金额占该院门诊中成药总金额的46.27%;同类药物二联及二联以上联合用药、与循环系统类化学药联用比例分别为25.93%、53.69%;DDDs排前10位的理血剂占总DDDs比例为80.06%,占总金额比例为67.53%;DDC小于10元的理血剂的DDDs比例为95.10%;中医科、内科和其他科室DUI大于1的比例分别为40.74%、60.00%和71.43%,DUI排序为其他科室>内科(P>0.01)>中医科(P>0.001)。结论:该院理血剂的应用存在不合理现象,且非中医科室比中医科室更严重;理血剂二联及二联以上联合用药、与循环系统类化学药联用现象普遍,应予重视。 OBJECTIVE: To retrospectively analyze the application situation of outpatient treatment of blood agents in a hospital in 2006, providing reference for clinical rational drug use and medical supervision. Methods: Thirty kinds of blood agents used in the hospital in 2006 were calculated according to the amount of medication, DDDs, DUI, DDC. Results: The amount of rational blood agents accounted for 46.27% of the total amount of proprietary Chinese medicines clinics in the hospital. The combined use of drugs of the same type with two or more drugs was 25.93% and that of circulating chemical drugs was 53.69% The proportion of 10 DDDs was 80.06%, accounting for 67.53% of total DDDs. The proportion of DDDs with DDC less than 10 was 95.10%. The proportions of DUI> 1 in TCM, internal medicine and other departments were respectively (40.74%, 60.00% and 71.43% respectively). The order of DUI was that of other departments> internal medicine (P> 0.01)> Chinese medicine (P> 0.001). Conclusion: There is an unreasonable application of this agent in the treatment of schizophrenia, and the non-traditional Chinese medicine departments are more serious than the traditional Chinese medicine departments. The combined use of two or more rationale agents and the combination of two or more agents should be emphasized .
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好友杨阳在一家应用软件公司做市场运营,手头的事多如牛毛,打电话约人、写活动方案、做PPT、做采访等,最近这段时间,又把公司公众号的排版与发送推给了她。  没办法,杨阳只好去找领导,要求招聘一个助手。领导也觉得杨阳的事确实多,也看到了她每天加班,但是董事会暂时没招人计划,想等一段时间和其他部门一起招,考虑到杨阳的工作量大,公司决定每个月给她多发2000元。  杨阳没办法,她只能暂时接受公司的安排,非
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