
来源 :中国设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zcom0907
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本刊讯 国务院经济贸易办公室于7月24日在北京召开设备管理办公会议,到会人员有国务院工业、交通、城建、农林、地质等35个部门和总后生产部、北京市经委主管设备管理的负责同志,中国设备管理协会秘书处负责同志,以及中央人民广播电台、新华社和有关报刊的记者等近百人。国务院经贸办副主任石万鹏主持了这次会议。他说;国务院《全民所有制工业交通企业设备管理条例》自1987年7月正式颁布后,五年来各地、各部门和各企业认真贯彻执行,使我国企业设备管理工作发生了很大变化。今天召开这次会议,是为了进一步推动《设备管理条例》的全面贯彻落实,加强企业设备管理工作,保证企业设备完好,提高企业装备素质,把企业的物质技术基础工作扎扎实实地抓紧抓好,为国民经济上新台阶提供安全可靠和高效的设备技术条件。 The State Council’s Office of Economic Affairs and Trade held an equipment management office meeting in Beijing on July 24th. The attendees included 35 departments of the State Council’s industry, transportation, urban construction, agriculture, forestry, and geology, and the post-production department, and the Beijing Municipal Economic Commission’s competent equipment management. Responsible comrades, responsible comrades of the China Association for Equipment Management, and reporters from the Central People’s Broadcasting Station, the Xinhua News Agency, and related newspapers and journalists numbered nearly 100. Shi Wanpeng, deputy director of the State Council Economic and Trade Office presided over the meeting. He said: The State Council’s Regulations on the Administration of Equipment for All-Urban-owned Industrial Transportation Enterprises has been promulgated since July 1987. Over the past five years, all localities, departments, and enterprises have implemented them in earnest, which has led to great changes in the management of enterprise equipment in China. The meeting was held today to further promote the implementation of the “Regulations on Equipment Management”, strengthen the management of enterprise equipment, ensure the integrity of enterprise equipment, improve the quality of enterprise equipment, and firmly grasp the material and technical foundation of the enterprise. Provide safe, reliable and efficient equipment and technical conditions for the new economy in the country.
1969年,从部队退伍返乡的刘书琴被分配到供销社工作,由于成绩突出,几年后就被提拔为经理。正当他在供销社事业有成干得红火的时候,组织上又准备让他去镇武装部工作, In 196
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为了深入贯彻邓小平同志南巡讲话精神和刘纪原副部长视察基地时所作的指示,066基地于1992年8月31日~9月1 日召开了第二届民品工作会议。基地所属各单位党政负责人全部出席会