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一个偶然的机会,一个泥瓦工人发现深山中的大片野生核桃树蕴藏着巨大商机。他坚持着在别人看来“疯狂”的致富计划四年,终于等来了机会,用无人问津的野生核桃,在人均年收入不到1600元钱的大山里,自己年赚近600万元,并带领全乡致富。负债远走他乡15年郑文佑的老家是湖北应城,从父母辈就开始做塑料生意。1987年,郑文佑家的塑料厂亏损倒闭,抵上了家里全部值钱的东西,还是欠了17万元债。为了生活,郑文佑和妻子带着仅有的200元钱来到云南省兰坪白族普米族自治县。郑文佑在建筑工地当起了泥瓦工。虽然在那里躲过了债主的催债,但郑文佑心里时刻提醒自己:不能就这样被17万压得连头也抬不起,更不能就这么躲躲藏藏地过一辈子,要找条门路,好好拼一番。 By chance, a trowel worker discovered that a large area of ​​wild walnut trees in the mountains contained huge business opportunities. He insisted on the idea of ​​“crazy” for four years, and finally waited for an opportunity to use the wild walnut that nobody cares about. He earned nearly 600 yuan a year in the mountains where the per capita annual income was less than 1,600 yuan. Ten thousand yuan and lead the township to become rich. The debt is far away from home 15 years Zheng Wenyou’s hometown is Hubei Yingcheng, and he started doing plastic business from his parents’ generation. In 1987, Zheng Wenyou’s plastic factory went bankrupt, arrived at all the valuable things at home, or owed 170,000 yuan of debt. In order to live, Zheng Wenyou and his wife came to the Lanping Bai Pumi Autonomous County in Yunnan Province with only 200 yuan. Zheng Wenyou worked as a bricklayer at the construction site. Although he escaped the debtor’s debt collection, Zheng Wenyou always reminded himself that he could not afford to be lifted even by 170,000 yuan, and he couldn’t afford to hide in this way for a lifetime and find a good way. Spell it up.
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1.green card[美]绿卡[发给墨西哥等国的入境临时作工许可证] ——1984商务版《英华大词典》 2.green card 〈美〉绿卡(指允许墨西哥等外国人进入美国工作的绿色许可证) —