A Quantized Kernel Least Mean Square Scheme with Entropy-Guided Learning for Intelligent Data Analys

来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:slayerwei
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Quantized kernel least mean square(QKLMS) algorithm is an effective nonlinear adaptive online learning algorithm with good performance in constraining the growth of network size through the use of quantization for input space. It can serve as a powerful tool to perform complex computing for network service and application. With the purpose of compressing the input to further improve learning performance, this article proposes a novel QKLMS with entropy-guided learning, called EQ-KLMS. Under the consecutive square entropy learning framework, the basic idea of entropy-guided learning technique is to measure the uncertainty of the input vectors used for QKLMS, and delete those data with larger uncertainty, which are insignificant or easy to cause learning errors. Then, the dataset is compressed. Consequently, by using square entropy, the learning performance of proposed EQ-KLMS is improved with high precision and low computational cost. The proposed EQ-KLMS is validated using a weather-related dataset, and the results demonstrate the desirable performance of our scheme. Quantized kernel least mean square (QKLMS) algorithm is an effective nonlinear adaptive online learning algorithm with good performance in constraining the growth of network size through the use of quantization for input space. It can serve as a powerful tool to perform complex computing for network service and application. With the purpose of compressing the input to further improve learning performance, this article proposes a novel QKLMS with entropy-guided learning, called EQ-KLMS. Under the sequential square entropy learning framework, the basic idea of ​​entropy-guided learning technique is to measure the uncertainty of the input vectors used for QKLMS, and delete those data with larger uncertainty, which are insignificant or easy to cause learning errors. Then, the dataset is compressed. EQ-KLMS is improved with high precision and low computational cost. The proposed EQ-KLMS is validated using a weather-re lated dataset, and the results demonstrate the desirable performance of our scheme.
目的 探讨血液净化中心优化护理流程对护理质量及满意度的影响,以减少安全隐患,提高患者满意度。方法选取我院维持性血液透析患者,对原有的血液净化护理流程进行分析、评估,重建、优化,并组织实施,比较优化护理流程前患者106例和优化护理流程后患者115例护理质量及满意度。结果流程优化前患者总体满意度为83.9%,实施后总体满意度为95.7%,优化护理流程前后比较差异有统计学意义(Z=-2.585,P〈0.
目的 探讨综合性考核法在《基础护理学》实验教学中的应用效果,以建立客观可行的本科护生基础护理实践教学效果评价方式,培养高素质实用性护理人才。方法教师在基础护理教学及考核过程中采用综合性考核法,即注重护生综合素质能力的考核,包括操作技能、理论水平、职场模拟及日常考核,考核护生动手能力、临床应变能力、语言沟通及护理礼仪等方面。分析比较综合性考核法使用前后的效果。结果实施综合性考核法后340名护生对“对
目的 探讨自制护理操作视频在新入职护士岗前技能培训中的应用效果。方法将常用无菌技术、口腔护理、鼻饲、心肺复苏等一系列临床护理基本操作制成视频,作为模板应用于新入职护士岗前技能培训中。选取2012年新入职护士42名按随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,每组21名。对照组采用传统的老师示范后自己操作训练的培训方法;观察组采用反复观看护理操作视频后再进行自己操作训练的培训方法。比较两组护士操作考核成绩及护士
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目的 探讨在《护理综合操作实践》教学中融入人文关怀教育的方法和效果。方法建立护理综合操作实践教学人文关怀教学内容方法和测评体系,并观察教学效果,比较实施前后学生对人文关怀的态度和认知情况。结果护理综合操作实践课后对学生进行人文关怀的态度和认知调查,96.5%理解以“患者为中心”的护理理念;95.0%操作中注重患者感受;98.0%操作失败时及时向患者道歉;97.0%认为尊重关爱患者对操作依从性及配合
目的 探讨高渗盐敷料结合负压封闭引流技术在慢性伤口中应用效果。方法将68例因各种原因导致的迁延不愈的慢性伤口患者随机分为治疗组和对照组各34例,治疗组采用高渗盐敷料为伤口填充材料,以一次性使用胃管为引流管连接负压瓶为患者进行创面负压引流治疗;对照组采用湿性愈合原理常规换药,比较两组治疗效果。结果治疗组伤口治愈率为91.17%,对照组为70.59%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.66,P<0.