我们乘坐的飞机正朝着奥地利的首都维也纳徐徐下降,从舷舱下望,蓊郁满目,深绿、浅绿、嫩绿,层层叠叠,一望无际,好像大地铺上一层绿色的大地毯。飞机在机场平稳降落,我们都有降落于绿色山谷中的感觉,因为机场四周都是绿色的树林,机场跑道两边也都是厚厚的绿茵。 维也纳人均享有绿地面积70多平方米,可见其绿化的程度之高。在维也纳的一个周末,我去附近的美泉宫花园游览。这里又名金恩节龙宫,原是奥地利哈布斯堡王朝的一个避暑行宫,宫内有华
The airplanes we were flying slowly descended toward Vienna, the capital of Austria. They looked down from their crates and looked dark, dark green, light green and verdant. They looked like endless layers of green carpet. Plane landing smoothly at the airport, we have landed in the green valley feeling, because the airport is surrounded by green trees, airport runways are also thick green. Everyone in Vienna enjoys a green area of over 70 square meters, showing a high degree of greening. One weekend in Vienna, I went to the nearby Schonbrunn Palace. Also known as the King’s Day dragon palace here, was originally a summer palace in Habsburg, Austria, palace with Chinese