
来源 :水电能源科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zbt_25
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采用CFD方法和带旋修正的κ-ε模型对水平面上普通城门洞形隧洞弯段断面进行三维数值模拟,分析了二次流对普通城门洞形隧洞弯段断面动能修正系数的影响。结果表明,普通城门洞形隧洞弯段形成了一对反向不对称的二次流,上部螺线形流线区域对动能修正系数值有决定性作用,形成的环形流线区域和梯度越大,动能修正系数越小;大曲率弯段断面动能修正系数值大于小曲率弯段断面动能修正系数值;弯段中的二次流引起流速的重分布,对弯段断面动能修正系数值有削减作用。 The CFD method and k-ε model with rotation correction were used to simulate the three-dimensional numerical simulation of the curved section of the ordinary Shing Mun tunnel on the horizontal plane. The effect of the secondary flow on the kinetic energy correction coefficient of the section of the ordinary tunnel was analyzed. The results show that a pair of reverse asymmetric secondary flow forms in the curved section of a common tunnel and the spiral flow area in the upper part plays a decisive role in the coefficient of kinetic energy correction. The larger the annular flow area and gradient, the larger the kinetic energy The smaller the correction coefficient is; the greater the coefficient of correction of kinetic energy of curved section is larger than that of the small curved section; the secondary flow in the curved section causes the redistribution of flow velocity, which has the effect of reducing the kinetic correction coefficient of curved section.
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