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市场未动,定位先行。长期以来,笔者每到一个农业龙头企业,企业老总经常开口闭口谈定位,有些夸夸其谈,有些束手无策,无论哪种现象都可以表明:企业已经开始非常重视定位了。企业应该重视定位。在一个供过于求的时代,不重视定位也就意味着企业营销行为的盲动,盲动的企业是不能取得胜利的。但仍然有个现象值得注意,那些夸夸其谈定位建设的企业,并没有因为定位在市场上红火起来。有些在当地市场有点销量;有些是不断开发新品,不断有产品退出名单。从这个角度说,老总们满意自己的定位也就显得不切实际。其实,定位不是一种时髦,而是开拓市场的利器,而很多老总却没有意识到这一点,只是凭着自己的兴趣,或是团队兄弟的建议,就为自己的产品确定下了“定位”。这种定位可能让老板兴奋不已,但拿到市场上却不能被老百姓接受,方圆谓之“假定位”。往往“假定位”因为是亲生孩子,所以最容易迷惑企业的心智。所以,在某品牌营销机构看来:假定位,是阻碍企业健康发展的罪魁祸首。 Market is not moving, positioning first. For a long time, every time I go to a leading agricultural enterprises, business executives often talk about positioning, some rhetoric, and some helpless, no matter what kind of phenomenon can show: companies have begun to attach great importance to positioning. Enterprises should attach importance to positioning. In an era of oversupply, the lack of attention to positioning means that the marketing activities of enterprises blindly blindly move the business can not be won. But there is still a phenomenon worth noting that those who boast about the positioning of enterprises, not because of positioning in the market booming. Some are selling a bit in the local market; others are constantly developing new products and keep getting products out of the list. From this perspective, CEOs are satisfied with their own positioning is unrealistic. In fact, the positioning is not a trendy, but a tool to open up the market, and many CEOs did not realize this, but with their own interests, or the recommendations of the team brothers, for their own products to determine the next “positioning ”. This positioning may make the boss excited, but get the market but can not be accepted by the people, the radius that “fake position ”. Often “fake position ” because it is a natural child, so most likely to confuse the business mind. So, it seems in a certain brand marketing agency: fake position is the culprit hinder the healthy development of enterprises.
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工程机械是中国较早进行市场化改革的行业,詹纯新则是这个行业里从工程师向企业家成功转型的典型人物,他的企业管治理念深深影响了中联重科每一步的发展,他用实践证明有高度、有远见的思想并不抽象    在中国企业的发展史上,有一个独特的企业群落,它们最初是从科研院所内部创立或者分离出来的,其创始人通常是高级工程师、资深研究员甚至是科学家,其中IT业最具代表性的人物是联想的柳传志,而工程机械行业则当属詹纯新了
摘要 在语文教学过程中,常常发现一些教者将文本中的假、恶、丑充分地挖掘出来,以此用来反衬真、善、美。这种文本的解读策略固然能在一定程度上激起学生感受真善美,但是也会潜意识地给学生“造假”“作恶”“示丑”提供标本。在语文教学时,应多以正面解读来引领学生成长。  关键词 语文教学 正面 引领 学生成长    [案例一]《司马迁发愤写(史记>》  师:“‘飞来横祸’是什么意思?”生:“指突然降临的、意想