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搞好公共关系是一种内求团结、外求发展的管理艺术。本文试就档案局(馆)的外部公共关系工作作一些探讨。 一、加强档案局(馆)外部公共关系的必要性 1、大势所趋。计划经济向市场经济过渡,标志着国家的管理体制正在转轨变型。长期以来,档案部门受传统的“配角”观念影响,一些人工作上满足于看门守摊,裹足不前;思想上重视内部基础工作,忽视环境对档案部门的影响,也忽视与社会的交流。这种甘当配角的思想和闭关自守的管理方法,一定程度上制约着档案部门工作任务的完成和工作目标的实现。随着社会发展步伐的加快,人们共同研究和处理的事情增多,矛盾和纠纷也随之增多,这在客观上给档案工作广泛服务于社会提供了机遇。因此,档案部门很有必要利用公共关系的手段和方法,在搞好业务建设的同时,跨出小天地,把服务工作幅射到全社会。只有通过服务社会,才能实现自身价值。特别是改革开放的今天,良好的公共关系有助于让社会公众更好地了解档案部门, Improving public relations is an art of management that seeks unity and development from outside. This article tries to make some discussion on the external public relations work of Archives Bureau. First, to strengthen the archives (Museum) the need for external public relations 1, the trend of the times. The planned economy to market economy transition, marking the country’s management system is a transitional change. For a long time, the file department has been influenced by the traditional concept of “supporting role”. Some people are satisfied with keeping their eyes on the door and wavering in their work. They pay much attention to the internal work of the foundation, ignore the impact of the environment on the file department, and neglect social interaction. This kind of supporting role and management of retreat, to a certain extent, restrict the completion of the tasks of the archives department and the realization of the objectives of the work. With the accelerating pace of social development, things that people jointly study and handle have increased, contradictions and disputes have also increased, which objectively provides an opportunity for the extensive work of archival work in the community. Therefore, it is necessary for the archives departments to make use of the means and methods of public relations to carry out their business construction and at the same time extend the small world to radiate service work to the whole society. Only by serving the community, can we realize our own value. In particular, the reform and opening up today, good public relations help to make the public better understand the file department,