深化改革 确保粮油市场稳定

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民以食为天,国以粮为重。在我们这样一个拥有12亿多人口的大国中。确保粮油市场稳定至关重要,特别在全国实行粮油市场放开以后,如何加强粮油流通体制的深化改革,促进全国统一开放的粮油大市场、大流通格局的形成和发展,是关系国计民生的大事。最近,记者请国内贸易部中谷粮油集团总裁王瑞元回答了有关问题。 问:作为部属大型粮油企业的中谷粮油集团,是如何完成国家委托对粮油市场进行宏观调控的任务和确保粮油市场稳定? 答:我们集团自1994年5月创建以来,就把为国家宏观服务和为粮食生产 The people regard food as the heaven and the country regards grain as the most important thing. In such a large country with a population of more than 1.2 billion. It is crucial to ensure the stability of the grain and oil market. Especially after the implementation of the grain and oil market throughout the country, how to strengthen the deepening reform of the grain and oil circulation system and promote the formation and development of a unified and open grain and oil market and a large distribution pattern in the country is a matter of national economy and people’s livelihood. Recently, the reporter asked Wang Ruiyuan, president of the China Grain and Oil Group of the Ministry of Domestic Trade, to answer relevant questions. Q: How is the China National Grain and Oils Group, which is a large-scale grain and oil company subordinate to the Ministry, fulfilling the tasks entrusted by the country to macro-control the grain and oil markets and ensuring the stability of the grain and oil market? A: Since our group was established in May 1994, it has been serving as a national macro service and For food production
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据有关部门综合分析,“九五”期间,我国内燃机市场前景广阔。 农业用内燃机:“九五”期间我国农机行业将重点抓大、中型拖拉机、联合收割机、适用的成套农机具、农用水利与
市场特点 俄罗斯拥有1.5亿人口,预计到2000年汽车市场需求将达到400万辆,为目前的3倍。在苏联时代,汽车曾是奢侈品,是权利和个人财富的象征,而现今的俄罗斯人都在努力实现他