学习“三个代表”重要思想 稳步推进素质教育

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江泽民同志“三个代表”的重要思想,极大地丰富了马克思主义的建党理论,从历史唯物主义高度深刻揭示和概括了党的根本性质、根本宗旨和历史任务,是新世纪党的建设的伟大纲领,也是新的历史时期对党员和党组织提出的新要求。认真学习和贯彻这一重要论述,对于进一步加强学校党的建设,把学校工作推上一个新台阶,具有非常重要的意义。“三个代表”重要思想是实施科教兴国战略的根本指导思想,也是全面贯彻党和国家教育方针的根本指导思想。江泽民同志提出,世界经济形式有三个动向值得注意,一是全球范围内的经济结构的全面调整,二是科学技术的迅猛发展,三是跨国公司对世界经济的影响日益巨大。这三个动向的实质是生产力的发展问题,其核心是国民素质和创造力的竞争。科教兴国战略就是基于这种背景与现实而提出的。实施科教兴国战略,关键在于培养大批的具有知识创新与技术创新精神的人才。西部大开发,教育必须大发展。必须从转变教育观念、更新教育思想入手,树立大教育观。兰州一中是甘肃省基础教育的“示范性”窗口和排头兵,更应当自觉地把“三个代表”重要思想体现和贯彻到全面推动学校的改革和事业发展中去,为在全省率先实现教育现代化贡献力量。要把兰州一中办得更好,就必须使党组织和党员干部以“三个代表”为根本指导思想,尤其是学校 Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important thinking on “three representations” has greatly enriched the Marxist party building theory, profoundly revealed and summarized the fundamental nature of the party, its fundamental purposes and historical tasks from the historical materialism, and is the party building in the new century As well as the new requirements put forward by the party members and party organizations in the new historical period. Studying and carrying out this important exposition seriously is of great significance to further strengthening the party building in schools and pushing school work to a new level. The important thinking of the ’Three Represents ’ is the fundamental guiding principle for carrying out the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education and is also the basic guiding principle for the comprehensive implementation of the party’s and nation’s education policies. Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out that there are three trends in the world economic form that deserve our attention. The first is the overall readjustment of the global economic structure. The second is the rapid development of science and technology. The third is that the influence of transnational corporations on the world economy is increasingly huge. The essence of these three trends is the issue of the development of the productive forces. The core of these three movements is the competition of national qualities and creativity. The strategy of rejuvenating China through science and education is based on this background and reality. The key to implementing the strategy of rejuvenating our country through science and education lies in cultivating a large number of qualified personnel with knowledge innovation and technological innovation. In the course of developing the western region, education must make great strides. We must start with changing the concept of education and updating education thoughts, and establish a grand view of education. Lanzhou, one of the “model” windows and vanguard of basic education in Gansu Province, should even more consciously embody and carry out the important thinking of “three represents” so as to promote the reform and career development of schools in an all-round way. The province took the lead in contributing to the modernization of education. To do a better job in Lanzhou, Party organizations and party members and cadres must be guided by the principle of “Three Represents ”, especially in schools
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