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电台节目“英语文化随身带”文章短小精悍,内容包罗万象。将英语文化装进口袋里,利用闲散的时间随身翻阅,英语学习者可以在潜移默化中了解当代英语世界的生活和文化。  无论何时、无论何地,交易总是无处不在。大公司做大交易,小公司则做小买卖,而可交易的东西五花八门。不过,你有没有听说过把自己的名字拿来交易的?有一个小哥不断更换自己的名字为各种品牌做宣传,是不是很特别?  Take-Away English 
When Maggie Doyne was a high school 1)senior, she was on track. You know the one: Graduate on time and with good grades, spend four years at college, get a job—probably in an office and perhaps a shor
A drop fell on the apple tree,  Another on the roof;  A half a dozen kissed the eaves[屋檐],  And made the gables[山形墙] laugh.  A few went out to help the brook[小溪],  That went to help the sea.  Myself c
Well, fill my lungs full of smoke  Fill my belly full of beer  Fill my nights with bad jokes  Told by folk[人们] full of fear  Fill my eyes with a stinging[叮,刺痛]  Fill my time wishing she was here  Well
The Weepies,由Deb Talan和Steve Tannen组成的美国流行民谣夫妻档二重奏。在治愈系小清新音乐这一块,The Weepies应该算是标志性代表了。喜欢欧美小清新民谣的人应该都听过他们的歌。简单流畅的旋律,细腻的木吉他,文艺范的歌词,舒服契合的人声合唱,糅合出一股清新自然的味道。暌违五年,The Weepies终于带着新专辑《海妖》(Sirens)清新归来。这张专辑的制作异
To who do you compare me?  Recreate[再创造] to mold[塑造] me  And frozen animation[动画]  You square me up[打上方格描画]  Words are soft and holy[圣洁的]  They strip[剥夺] me up to fail me  I used to feel protection fr
After a rough couple of years, Justin Bieber is ready to leave the pranks[恶作剧] and bad boy behavior behind and focus on his music again. From making multiple[许多的] appearances on the Ellen DeGeneres Sh
Two guys were taking Chemistry at the University of Mississippi. They did pretty well on all of the quizzes and the 1)midterms and labs. These two friends were so 2)confident going into the final that
I will be the first to say that I am not materialistic[物质主义的]. My friends label[贴标签] me as a goody-goody[伪善者,假正经的人]; my parents say I am conservative[保守的] and modest[朴素的] when it comes to clothes. I d