在体育锻炼中,由于天气寒冷,或过度疲劳,或临场比赛时神经高度紧张,或准备活动不充分,导致小腿抽筋。可用以下处理方法: 1.令抽筋者,自行勾起脚尖再用力将腿蹬直,常可豁然而愈。 2.当运动员无力自行将抽筋腿蹬直时,可令其仰卧,教练员在其小腿“承山”穴处稍施放松性按摩,然后一手握其足,屈起脚弯,另一手按于患者膝盖辅以下压,使患肢突然伸直,常可应手而解。然后将其扶起,仍勾着脚尖,用脚跟
In physical exercises, calf cramps result from cold weather or over-exhaustion, or nervousness during a match or inadequate preparation for activities. Available in the following ways: 1. Make cramps, pick their own toes and force the leg pedal straight, often suddenly and more. 2. When the athlete is unable to push the cramp leg straight, it can be supine, the trainer in the lower leg, “bearing mountain” point slightly relax massage, and then hold the foot in one hand, bend the foot bend, the other hand press Auxiliary knee patients with the following pressure, sudden limb extension, often can be resolved. Then lift it up, still hooked toes, with the heel