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漢語介詞詞組語序的歷時演變是漢語歷史語法研究中的一個重要問題。不少學者雖對這個現象進行了深入的討論,但迄今仍缺乏共識。Li&Thompson(1976)很早就提出12世紀以前的漢語介詞詞組都位於動詞後,這一看法受到何樂士(1992)和孫朝奮(Sun Chaofen 1996)等的質疑。孫朝奮在何樂士的基礎上進一步指出,上古漢語的介詞詞組能出現在動詞的前與後,並没有一個主導語序。過往不少研究把介詞當作一個整體來處理。我們認爲,通過分拆介詞來思考介詞詞組的語序問題,應有進一步發現:如“于/於”等介詞片語一致出現在動詞後,而“與”等介詞片語則一致出現在動詞前。本文的討論立足於如下認識:一、WALS(World Atlas of Language Structures)的類型學研究成果顯示,98%的VO型語言以VOPP爲基本語序,剩下的2%屬於PPVO型,皆來自漢語變體。Hawkins(2008)從句法結構的處理機制(processing)角度解釋了這一現象。我們認爲,上古漢語的處所介詞詞組的語序分布正可通過這個角度獲得説明。二、至於工具介詞詞組和對象介詞詞組,我們發現,能出現在動詞前的介詞詞組,其賓語都具有某些相關聯的語義角色,而這些語義角色都屬於認知語法(Langacker 1987,1991)中能量源(energy source)方面的參與者。本文認爲結合句法結構上的處理機制和象似性原則,可合理解釋上古漢語介詞詞組的語序分布。我們主張,VOPP是上古漢語介詞詞組的優勢語序,該語序主要受SVO型語言右向分支、聯繫項居中原則、直接成分儘早確認原則等句法結構上的處理機制影響。上古漢語介詞詞組的非優勢語序PPVO則受象似性原則影響。處理機制和象似性原則在漢語演變中存在交互作用。先秦時期介詞詞組語序仍以處理機制爲主導原則。上古後期以降,PPVO型逐步發展爲漢語介詞詞組的優勢語序,可認爲是處理機制削弱而隸屬於象似性原則的時間順序原則(principle of temporal sequence)效用逐漸增强的緣故。 The diachronic evolution of Chinese prepositional phrase order is an important issue in the study of Chinese historical grammar. Although many scholars have conducted in-depth discussions on this phenomenon, so far there is still a lack of consensus. Li & Thompson (1976) long ago proposed that Chinese prepositional phrases before the 12th century were both located after the verb, a view challenged by Ho Lance (1992) and Sun Chaofen (1996). On the basis of He Luxi, Sun Chaofen further pointed out that the prepositional phrases of the ancient Chinese can appear before and after the verb, and there is no dominant one. In the past, quite a few studies dealt with prepositions as a whole. In our opinion, we should find that if prepositions are presumed to be separated from prepositions by prepositions such as “Yu / Yu ” and other prepositional phrases appear after the verb, while the prepositional phrases such as “and ” The same appears before the verb. The discussion of this article is based on the following findings: First, the typology of WALS (World Atlas of Language Structures) shows that 98% of VO languages ​​are based on VOPP and the remaining 2% belong to PPVO, all from Chinese Variants. Hawkins (2008) explained this phenomenon from the perspective of the processing of syntactic structures. We think that the distribution of the prepositional phrase order in ancient Chinese can be obtained from this perspective. Second, as for the tool prepositional phrases and the object prepositional phrases, we find that the prepositional phrases that can appear in front of the verbs all have certain associated semantic roles, all of which belong to the cognitive grammar (Langacker 1987, 1991) Participants in the energy source. This paper argues that the prepositional phrase distribution of the ancient Chinese prepositional phrases can be reasonably explained by combining the processing mechanism of syntactic structure with the iconicity principle. We argue that VOPP is the dominant word order of ancient Chinese prepositional phrases, which is mainly affected by the processing mechanism of the syntactic structure such as the right branch of SVO-based language, the principle of contact terms, and the direct recognition of principle as soon as possible. The preponderance phrase PPVO of the ancient Chinese prepositional phrases is affected by the iconicity principle. The processing mechanism and iconicity have an interaction in the evolution of Chinese. Pre - Qin period preposition phrase order is still dominated by the principle of handling mechanism. The PPVO type gradually develops into the dominant word order of Chinese prepositional phrases in the later period of the Middle Ages, which can be considered as the gradual increase of the utility of the principle of temporal sequence which is weakened by the treatment mechanism and belongs to the iconicity principle.
BACKGROUND:?Increasing evidence suggests that the inactiva-tion of cathepsin B attenuates hepatocyte apoptosis and liver damage. This study aimed to investigate
本文在分析過程中贊同Traugott & Dasher(2002:7)的看法,他們認爲語言的基本功能是表達意義(meaning)。同時本文認爲意義既具有認知(cognitive)功能,又具有交際(communicativ