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今年语文高考第二题着重考查学生阅读现代文的实际能力,要求考生在横线上填写恰当的字,解释一些词的含义以及正确理解句子的结构。全题共分三小题。一字之差第一小题选了高中语文第二册竣青《秋色赋》中最后两段话,其中有八处要填充。《秋色赋》是一篇文质兼美的好文章,大纲要求学生对这样的范文熟读成诵,不少考生都填写正确,得到了满分。其实即使有几处背不上来,但只要有一定的阅读水平,联系上下文,还是能填好的。如“秋天一是人生易老的象征,一是繁荣昌盛的标志”一句根据文章内容,应填上“不……而”一对关联词,先否定秋天“是人生易 This year’s second issue of the National College Entrance Examination focuses on the actual ability of students to read modern texts. It requires candidates to fill in the appropriate words on the horizontal lines, explain the meaning of some words and correctly understand the structure of the sentences. The whole question is divided into three sub-topics. The difference between the first word and the second question is selected in the second paragraph of the second grade of the High School Chinese language, ”Qiu Sei Fu.“ Eight of them are to be filled. ”Autumn Fu“ is a good article with a good combination of quality and beauty. The outline requires students to become familiar with this type of essay. Many candidates fill out the correct and get a perfect score. In fact, even if there are several places that cannot come back, if there is a certain level of reading and contact context, it can still be completed. For example, ”Autumn is a symbol of life and oldness, and a symbol of prosperity and prosperity“. According to the content of an article, ”not to ... and" a pair of related words should be filled in.
20 0 3年 8月 2 9日贝壳 ,是大海的雕刻 ,是浪涛的礼物。宁静的海湾 ,金色的沙滩 ,踏出一串拾贝的脚印 ,波浪扑上来 ,轻轻的把它抹平了。惊涛骇浪拥抱着礁石 ,浪花水沫亲吻着
4月 7日 星期五 晴校园中的海棠花开的此起彼伏。在春天柔软而跳跃的阳光里明亮的招摇着。当枝头上一簇一簇沉郁的暗红色花苞恍惚间幻化成枝头上饱满而厚重的浅粉色花朵的
20 0 3年 3月 2 1日 星期五春、夏、秋、冬都是日记伴随着我。我的心每天都和太阳一起上升 ,以一个美好、欢愉的心灵去对待这一天 ,去写这一天。我从来都不愿让烦恼之事占据
(一)端正学习苏联先进教学经验的态度和方法。(报纸标题) 【毛病】动词跟宾语配合不当。这里动词“端正”管两个宾语,它跟宾语“态度”是配得拢的,跟宾语“方法”就搭不上。