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本地区,地处塞外,气候冷凉,年平均气温7.5℃,降水500毫米上下,基本上是1年1作杂粮区。80年代以来,滦河流域水稻面积逐步扩大,栽培技术也逐步提高。在总结试验、示范的高产经验后,从1987年开始,便推行水稻规范化高产栽培技术,取得了显著效果。1990年15万亩粳稻均亩产达485公斤,其中5.5万亩达605公斤。如海拔650米、无霜期130天的隆化县辛店村800亩稻田平均亩产达615公斤,其中7亩高额丰产田,亩达760公斤。现将其配套技术措施简述如下。一、因地制宜,选用良种近年来,生产实践表明:在我区无霜期120~130天,大于或等于10℃活动积温2600~3000℃的稻作区,以种植粳稻通系112、103和藤系138为宜:无霜期130~150天,大手或等于10℃活动积温3000~3400℃的区域, The region is located outside the plug, cold climate, the annual average temperature of 7.5 ℃, precipitation 500 mm up and down, basically 1 year 1 for miscellaneous grain area. Since the 1980s, the area of ​​rice in the Luanhe River Basin has gradually expanded, and cultivation techniques have also been gradually increased. After summing up experiments and demonstrating high-yielding experiences, since 1987, the standardization and high-yield cultivation techniques for rice have been implemented and remarkable results have been achieved. In 1990 150,000 mu of Japonica rice per mu reached 485 kg, of which 55,000 mu reached 605 kg. For example, the average mu yield of 800 mu of paddy fields in Xindian Village, Longhua County, with an elevation of 650 meters and an average frost-free period of 130 days, amounts to 615 kg, of which 7 mu is a high-yield farmland of 760 kg. Now its supporting technical measures outlined below. First, according to local conditions, the selection of elite In recent years, production practices show that: frost-free period 120 to 130 days in my area, greater than or equal to 10 ℃ active accumulated temperature 2600 ~ 3000 ℃ paddy area to grow rice lines 112,103 and rattan 138 Appropriate: frost-free period of 130 to 150 days, the big hand or equal to 10 ℃ active accumulated temperature 3000 ~ 3400 ℃ area,
In the system with two two-level ions confined in a linear trap,this paper presents a simple scheme to realize the quantum phase gate(QPG)and the swap gate beyo
为了保持隔年杂交稻种的播种品质,防止霉变和发芽,对大批量的稻种应采取“三低”贮藏技术: (1)低药量熏蒸贮藏法:此法用药量可根据种子质量和堆放样品数量大小而定,一般每万
目前,我国土壤盐渍化面积日益扩大,严重影响了我国农业的发展,因此盐碱化土地的合理利用和改良对农业发展具有重要的意义。本研究采用盆栽方法模拟滨海混合盐土成分,以耐盐品种中棉所44和盐敏感品种苏棉12号为材料,于2008-2009年在江苏南京(118°50E,32°02N)南京农业大学牌楼试验站设置盐浓度处理(0:1.25 dS m-1、0.35%:5.80 dS m-1、0.60%:9.61 dS
This paper reconsiders carefully the possibility of using the Smolin bound entangled states as the carrier for sharing quantum secret.It finds that the process