依托就业合作社 开展小额贷款——促进下岗失业人员就业

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从1998年开始,我们通过创建就业合作社,运用小额贷款方式鼓励和扶持下岗失业人员实现就业,目前已形成了“三级管理、四级运行、小额扶持、整借零还、滚动发展”的运作机制,收到了较好的社会效益和经济效益。截止今年9月底,全区就业合作社组织共筹集资金1293万元,累计发放就业扶持资金1729万元,使6299名下岗职工在就业合作社的扶持和帮助下走上了自我就业道路。其中:3676名下岗职工从事个体私营经济,每年向国家上交税费达400万元,1367人到非公有制企业实现了再就业,1256人回农村从事山地开发、种养业等。就业合作社组织按期收回资金1013万元,回收率达96%。一、就业合作社小额贷款资金的运作机制 Since 1998, we have created a “three-level management, four-level operation, and small-scale support through the creation of employment cooperatives and the use of small loans to encourage and support the laid-off workers to obtain employment. ”Operating mechanism, received a better social and economic benefits. By the end of September this year, the employment cooperative organizations in the region had raised a total of 12.93 million yuan of funds and provided a total of 17.29 million yuan of employment support funds so that 6299 laid-off workers took the road of self-employment with the help and assistance of employment cooperatives. Among them: 3676 laid-off workers engaged in private and private economy, the annual tax paid to the country amounted to 4000000 yuan, 1367 people to non-public ownership enterprises to achieve re-employment, 1256 people back to rural areas engaged in mountain development, planting and breeding industry. Employment cooperative organizations to recover funds on schedule 10.10 million yuan, the recovery rate of 96%. First, employment cooperatives microfinance funds operating mechanism
贷款终身制是为了加强信贷管理 ,保证金融机构资产的安全性 ,防范金融风险而采取的一项重要举措。其主要内容是 :一笔贷款坚持由谁发放、由谁收回 ,并终身负责到底的原则。这