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目的:分析高血压患者接受缬沙坦联合氢氯噻嗪联合治疗后的血压达标率。方法:选择门诊轻中度高血压患者220例,均采用缬沙坦联合氢氯噻嗪治疗6周。初始剂量为缬沙坦80mg,氢氯噻嗪片12.5mg,治疗1-2周;如未达标(收缩压<140mmHg,舒张压<90mmHg,1mmHg=0.133KPa),则增加缬沙坦至160mg,继续应用2周;4周后仍不达标者,将氢氯噻嗪增加至25mg,口服,治疗6周试验结束。结果:对入选的220例轻中度高血压患者进行为期6周的随访,对其中200例患者进行符合方案人群分析:①治疗1周时,收缩压/舒张压与治疗前比较,分别降低14.39/8.85mmHg,P<0.01;治疗6周时,收缩压/舒张压分别降低23.97/16.21mmHg,P<0.001;②治疗2周时,血压达标的患者为120例,占60%,4周血压达标的患者为150例,占75%,6周血压达标的患者为175例,占87.5%;③在治疗的6周中,服用缬沙坦80mg、氢氯噻嗪12.5mg的患者有120例;服用缬沙坦160mg、氢氯噻嗪12.5mg的患者有80例;服用缬沙坦160mg、氢氯噻嗪25mg的患者有20例;④对入组的220例高血压患者进行意向治疗人群分析,其中,有212例无任何不良反应,占总例数的96%。结论:缬沙坦与氢氯噻嗪联合治疗轻中度高血压病,达标率高,不良反应少。 OBJECTIVE: To analyze the blood pressure compliance rate of hypertensive patients receiving valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide combination therapy. Methods: 220 outpatients with mild to moderate hypertension were selected and treated with valsartan combined with hydrochlorothiazide for 6 weeks. The initial dose of valsartan 80mg, hydrochlorothiazide tablets 12.5mg, for 1-2 weeks; if not up to (systolic blood pressure <140mmHg, diastolic blood pressure <90mmHg, 1mmHg = 0.133KPa), increase valsartan to 160mg, continue to apply 2 Week; 4 weeks after the standard is still not reached, the hydrochlorothiazide increased to 25mg, oral, 6 weeks of treatment end of the trial. Results: A total of 220 selected patients with mild to moderate hypertension were followed up for 6 weeks. 200 of them were enrolled in the program. The systolic blood pressure / diastolic blood pressure decreased by 14.39 / 8.85mmHg, P <0.01; treatment of 6 weeks, systolic blood pressure / diastolic blood pressure decreased 23.97 / 16.21mmHg, P <0.001; 2 weeks of treatment, blood pressure reached the standard of 120 patients, accounting for 60% 175 patients (87.5%) met the standard of 6-week blood pressure; (3) 120 patients took valsartan 80 mg and hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg in the 6 weeks of treatment; Sartan 160mg, hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg in patients with 80 cases; taking valsartan 160mg, hydrochlorothiazide 25mg in patients with 20 cases; ④ The inclusion of 220 cases of hypertensive patients intention-to-treat analysis of the population, of which 212 cases without any Adverse reactions, accounting for 96% of the total number of cases. Conclusion: Valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide combined treatment of mild to moderate hypertension, high compliance rate, fewer adverse reactions.
首先在任意分块条件下给出了矩阵的Khatri-Rao及Tracy-Singh乘积的一些等式,然后在此基础上建立了这两种矩阵乘积的不等式,从而推广了Liu Shuangzhe (1999, Linear Algebra A
目的 总结30 例婴幼儿会厌囊肿患儿围术期的护理经验,探讨等离子融切术治疗婴幼儿会厌囊肿围术期的护理要点.方法 回顾性分析我科2008年1月至2011年1月收治的30 例婴幼儿会厌
目的 分析骨科住院病人护理安全隐患及防范对策.方法 通过分析骨科中存在的护理隐患,提出相应的对策.结果 通过采取相应防范措施,最大限度地消除了护理工作中不安全隐患.结论
目的 探讨T1WI 信号强度在新生儿急性胆红素脑病诊断中的价值.方法 对59 例皮肤黄染新生儿行颅脑MRI 检查,根据血总胆红素水平将患儿分入组Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ,测量并比较四组间
目的 分析引起新生儿医院感染的危险因素并对相应的防控对策进行探讨.方法 回顾分析近6年来我院新生儿病区1132 例住院患儿中,医院感染情况.结果 我院新生儿科近6年共收治新
目的 探讨外固定支架结合有限内固定治疗桡骨远端不稳定骨折的临床疗效.方法 2008年6月-2012年5月采用外固定支架结合有限切开复位克氏针内固定治疗桡骨远端不稳定骨折26 例.