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肺内独立性球形病灶的诊断确实有很大困难,正确诊断率很低,有必要作误诊原因的分析和讨论,以达提高正确诊断水平之目的。资料与方法河北省医院1978~1985年间,手术切除的肺球形病变共34例,其中33例直径为1.5—4.0厘米,1例肺错构瘤直径达8厘米。先由病理医师重新复诊切片明确最后诊断,之后由胸外科和放射科医师整理病史及诊断,最后病理、胸科和放射科三者共同讨论分析。误诊标准:①术前第一诊断与最后诊断不符者;②虽有定位诊断,但无性质或形态学诊断者,如肺肿瘤。肺良性肿瘤等。 The diagnosis of pulmonary-independent spherical lesions is indeed very difficult and the correct diagnosis rate is very low. It is necessary to analyze and discuss the causes of misdiagnosis so as to achieve the purpose of improving the correct diagnosis level. Materials and Methods Hebei Provincial Hospital between 1978 and 1985, a total of 34 cases of surgical removal of spheroid lesions, of which 33 cases were 1.5-4.0 cm in diameter, 1 case of pulmonary hamartoma diameter of 8 cm. The pathologist first re-reviewed the section and made a final diagnosis. The thoracic surgery and radiologists then arranged the medical history and diagnosis. Finally, the pathology, chest and radiology departments discussed the analysis. Misdiagnosis criteria: 1 The preoperative first diagnosis is inconsistent with the final diagnosis; 2 Although there is a localization diagnosis, but no nature or morphological diagnosis, such as lung cancer. Benign lung tumors.
每天都吃米饭,孩子难免会有厌烦的时候。其实很多食物是可以代替米饭当主食的,像土豆、番薯、芋头等等,经常换换花样,孩子会吃得更香哦! Eat rice every day, the child wil
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骨的腺泡状肉瘤甚为少见,我们遇见2例均误诊为骨结核,现报告如下: 例1:男性,23岁。因摔倒后腰痛数日逐渐加重,于1986年12月2日住院。腰痛以夜间、着凉后加重。曾在某医院拍X
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本文报告了40例手术配合冷冻治疗口腔颌面部肿瘤比单纯手术或单纯冷冻效果好,特别是儿童患者,更是一种可行的最佳方法。 This article reports that 40 cases of surgery co
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别小瞧这些普普通通的扣子,给它一点创意,它也能疯狂。材料:扣夹、固体胶、剪刀、布料、毡布、针、线制作:1.取一块毡布按扣子的大小剪好。 Do not underestimate these com