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2002年9月6日,四川省两位副省长率领众多省府官员以及来自中央、地方的新闻记者乘座火车来到一个国定贫困县的大山深处,苍溪县龙山镇,主持召开四川省发展农村经纪人工作会议。在鸡鸣三府,远离县城近百公里的龙山镇,吸引近百人专程赴会的是当地十年来经纪人的蓬勃发展所创造的奇迹———6万人口的龙山镇资产有10万元以上的265人,50万元以上76人,100万元以上27人,400万元以上6人。昔日被人遗忘的贫困山区,现在已成省内外闻名遐迩的大山里的“小温州”。在苍溪龙山,有287名持证的专业农村经纪人,4个经纪组织,还有4000余人常年在外从事农产品运销和经纪中介服务,季节性从事的则达1万余人,相当于龙山劳动力总数的50%,发达的经纪人队伍承担着85%的农产品运销。在龙山,一个由农村经纪人构造的多渠道、少环节、竞争性、开放式的流通新体制基本形成。现在,以龙山经纪人为代表的四川农村经纪人已和科技结缘,和市场结盟,和现代化的网络对话,这“与时俱进”的发展与10余年当地工商部门的大力推动分不开,培育市场,教育培训,引入农产品商标发展战略,规范发展……苍溪等地经验充分体现了工商职能在农村经济发展中的重要作用和地位,证明了工商部门在支持农村经济发展和农民增收等方面大有可为。培育、发展、监管农村经纪 On September 6, 2002, two vice governors of Sichuan Province, led by many provincial officials and journalists from the central and local governments, took a train to the depths of a mountain in a nationally impoverished county, Longshan Town, Cangxi County, hosting the Sichuan Provincial development of rural brokers work conference. In the crowing Sanfu, far away from the county town nearly 100 kilometers Longshan town, attracting nearly a hundred people made a special trip to attend the local broker 10 years to create a miracle --- Longshan Town, 60,000 population assets of 100,000 yuan or more Of 265 people, 50000 yuan of above 76 people, 1000000 yuan of above 27 people, 4000000 yuan of above 6 people. The formerly forgotten poverty-stricken mountainous areas have now become the “little Wenzhou” in the world famous mountains in and out of the province. In Cangxi Yongsan, there are 287 certified professional rural brokers and 4 brokerage organizations. There are more than 4000 people engaged in the marketing and brokerage services for agricultural products all the year round. The number of seasonal workers is about 10,000, which is equivalent to Longshan’s labor force 50% of the total, the well-developed broker team undertakes 85% of the marketing of agricultural products. In Longshan, a multi-channel, less-developed, competitive and open new circulation system formed by rural brokers has basically taken shape. At present, the Sichuan rural brokers, represented by Longshan brokers, have become attached to science and technology, marched with the market and modernized network dialogue. The development of “advancing with the times” can not be separated from the vigorous promotion of the local business sector more than 10 years ago. Cultivation Market, education and training, the introduction of agricultural product development strategy, standardize development ...... Cangxi and other experiences fully embodies the industrial and commercial functions in rural economic development, the important role and status of the business sector to prove that in supporting rural economic development and peasant incomes and so on Great. Cultivate, develop and supervise rural brokers
投入职场的你,处处显现出职业女性应有的干练和果断,8个小时被繁忙的公务、复杂的人际关系以及大男人们的眼神和某些不良居心包围着,再加上自我心理某些劣势和障碍。若不及时地加以控制和解决,那坚强的外表终将会被内在的虚弱慢慢吞食,直至全军覆没。  路障1:希望人人都喜欢自己,太在意上司和同事的评价,稍有一点差错就自责  个案:  晓雨是外贸公司的公关部助理,由于工作性质的原因,经常要和公司上上下下的人打交
决断要快,但绝不是灵光一闪,而是一个迅速做出反应的过程。    在苹果的Apple store上有一个热门软件叫“i decide”,其实说白了就是一个帮你做决定的工具,从工作到生活,任何大大小小“艰难的决定”都可以由它不同设计的轮盘和指针来帮你做出。在这个软件的介绍中有一句话:它十分适合有选择恐惧综合症的人。  当然,这只是一个游戏。不过由此不难看出,“决断”的艰难是多么的普遍。特别是在职场中,
纺织出口从2000年以来,同整个全国商品的出口增长速度是一样的,基本上保持20%到30%的增长。这些增长从表面来看,服装产品是有竞争力的。 竞争力主要来自三个方面: 第一是增长