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11月18日,重组之后的银泰金蜘蛛软件公司推出了首个使用跨平台的Java语言开发和在财务软件中集成办公软件的产品——M98,这两项重大技术突破引起了业界人士的关注。 M98可支持用户超过数千个站点的不同机型、不同操作系统,不同数据库的超大规模应用,并可为企事业单位实现远程的、实时的、安全的财务监控,能使业务部门与财务部门实现无缝的网络联接。M98企业运作管理系统由财务管理系统、OA办公系统、专业子系统组成,整个系统的设计立足于企业运作管理的综合环境,综合利用Internet及最新技术和开放标准、遵循国际标准,具有良好的可移植性、可扩展性、互连性及安全性。其中财务管理系统采用IBM VisualAge for Java开发工具,开发环境的数据库采用IBM DB2,利用Java的JDBC与不同厂家数据库连接;OA办公系统采用Lotus Notes群件;专业子系统则采用了Lotus Notes与Java结合的方法。值得一提的是,IBM VisualAge For Java是今年9月初发布,IBM的DB2 LIO是10月初发布的,而使用上述技术的金蜘蛛M98的迅速推出,标志着中国软件产品在开发上,也正实现与国际软件技术的同步。 On November 18, the reorganized Intime Gold Spider Software Company launched the first product that uses cross-platform Java language development and integrates office software in financial software - M98. These two major technological breakthroughs attracted the attention of the industry. . M98 can support users of thousands of sites of different models, different operating systems, different database of ultra-large-scale applications, and for enterprises and institutions to achieve remote, real-time, secure financial monitoring, enabling the business sector and the financial sector Achieve seamless network connectivity. M98 enterprise operation management system is composed of financial management system, OA office system, and professional subsystems. The design of the entire system is based on the integrated environment of enterprise operation and management, comprehensive utilization of the Internet and the latest technology and open standards, and compliance with international standards, with good Portability, scalability, interconnectivity, and security. The financial management system uses IBM VisualAge for Java development tools. The development environment uses IBM DB2. It uses Java’s JDBC to connect to different manufacturers’ databases. The OA office system uses Lotus Notes groupware. The professional subsystem uses the combination of Lotus Notes and Java. Methods. It is worth mentioning that IBM VisualAge For Java was released in early September of this year, IBM’s DB2 LIO was released in early October, and the rapid launch of the Golden Spider M98 using the above technology marks the development of China’s software products. Synchronize with international software technology.
Lotus 于12月1日宣布了一个新的Domino.Doc版本,并勾画出自己在建立新一代文档管理解决方案中的领导地位。 Lotus Domino.Doc是该公司第一个也是唯一的文档管理解决方案,它
从12月24日起,由中国科技信息研究所万方数据软件中心自行开发的国产大型多媒体全文数据库软件产品Quick IMS通用信息管理系统5.0及IMS Web Server 2.0,将正式进入北京大学
1.Lexmark成立于1991年3月27日,是从有数十年打印机研制生产经验的IBM打印机制造生产部IPD(Information Product Division)独立出来的,至今IBM仍是Lexmark的主要股东之一。