Controlled Preparation and Formation Mechanism of Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles under Different Hydro

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxhhhsy
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Hydroxyapatite(HAP) nanoparticles with uniform morphologies and controllable size were synthesized successfully by molecular template hydrothermal approach.The organic alcohols including ethanol,glycol,glycerol and butanol were used as templates to regulate the nucleation and crystal growth.The synthesized powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction,Fourier infrared spectrum and transmission electron microscopy.The results showed that the obtained HAP particles were uniform rod-like crystals,and the template molecular structures had significant effect on the morphology and size of HAP particles.The template molecules with longer hydrophobic groups resulted in longer particle length and larger aspect ratio.Compared with the concentration of template molecules,the template molecular structure showed larger influence on controlling the HAP morphology and size.Furthermore,the formation mechanism of these rod-like HAP particles prepared by alkyl alcohol templates was discussed.Moreover,hydrothermal treatment temperature and time could be also used for controlled preparation of HAP nanoparticles. Hydroxyapatite (HAP) nanoparticles with uniform morphologies and controllable size were synthesized successfully by molecular template hydrothermal approach. The organic alcohols including ethanol, glycol, glycerol and butanol were used as templates to regulate the nucleation and crystal growth. -ray diffraction, Fourier infrared spectrum and transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that the obtained HAP particles were uniform rod-like crystals, and the template molecular structures had a significant effect on the morphology and size of HAP particles. The template molecules with longer hydrophobic groups resulted in longer particle length and larger aspect ratio. Compared with the concentration of template molecules, the template molecular structure showed larger influence on controlling the HAP morphology and size. Morerther, the formation mechanism of these rod-like HAP particles prepared by alkyl alcohol templates was discussed.Moreover, hydrothermal treatment temperature and time could also be used for controlled preparation of HAP nanoparticles.
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男孩5以内的加减法都不会。他老爸很生气,就拿了把刀比划起来:“你左手5个手指头。咔嚓一刀剁掉3个,还有几个?”小男孩一听,哭着说:“爸爸,别杀我……” Addition and subtr