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2013年6月17日,全区林业局长会议在呼和浩特召开。会议主题为贯彻落实自治区“8337”发展思路,全面推进重点区域绿化工作。会议由林业厅巡视员李树平主持,曹文仲巡视员做了主旨为“切实把思想和行动统一到自治区党委、政府的工作部署上来,充分认识加快推进重点区域绿化的重大意义以及当前林业发展中应思考的问题”的讲话,各 June 17, 2013, the region’s forestry director meeting was held in Hohhot. The theme of the meeting was to implement the development concept of autonomous region “8337” and comprehensively promote afforestation in key areas. The meeting was presided over by Li Shuping, inspector of the Forestry Department. Cao Wenzhong made a keynote to “unify his thoughts and actions to the work arrangements of the party committees and governments in the autonomous region, fully understand the great significance of accelerating the afforestation of key areas and the current development of forestry Thinking questions ”speech, each
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摘要:本文通过积极的心理暗示——提升学习动力;正确的教学方法——提升学习能力;良好的学习氛围——提升学习毅力三方面探讨了提升中职生学习力的有效途径。  关键词:中职教学;学习力;提升途径  中图分类号:G713 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)21-072-1  一、积极的心理暗示——提升学习动力  暗示是指通过语言、手势、表情等施加心理影响的过程,暗示的结果是使受暗示的人
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