
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baikubk258
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  Gaoxiong, Taiwan in March had infinite spring sceneries. In order to explore the secret of “Engaged Buddhism” and the establishment and development of the Buddha's Light International Youth League, the delegation of the International Ecological Safety Collaborative Organization (IESCO) drove to Fo Guans Shan in Dashu District of Gaoxiong. Along the road, we saw picturesque sceneries afar and brilliant purples and reds nearby. Pure and fresh smells of flowers, green grass and trees were everywhere and made the trip relaxing and comforting.
  Unconsciously, the delegation stepped in the neat land of Fo Guang Shan. There was a big slogan: “Don’t do the evil but pursue the good” on the left side of the road. A pagoda with the characters of Fo Guang stood tall on the path ahead and the “Buddha Memorial Hall” stood solemnly on the right side of the road. The air was filled with sacred and solemn atmosphere.
  Along the road, there was a gentle slope of paints of Buddhist allusions and then, we reached the gate of Fo Guang Shan. We saw No Second Gate in carpets of green grass and flowers, scenic spots of Lingshan, Guanyin Free Life Pond and Big Buddha City afterwards. In front of the Dendrocalamus Latiflorus Garden, there stood Huishi, a benevolent and kind looking meager master. After a simple conversation, we found the master was entirely different from the stereotype of Buddhists in our minds. His kindness, amity and sense of humor made the delegation feel like refreshed in the spring breeze. Master Huishi was very familiar with the legendary life of Master Hsing Yun, from a little monk having nothing at all to a global leader of Buddhism; and the romaunt of Fo Guang Shan, from a barren mountain to a holy land of Buddhism.
  When mentioning Dean Huichuan, the Chief Executive Officer of the Buddha's Light International Youth League and a leader of Fo Guang Shan besides Master Hsing Yun, master Huishi was also very respectful. According to him, Dean Huichuan is amiable, wise and voluble.   The later interview on Dean Huichuan proved his words. Through the introduction of Dean Huichuan, the reporter deeply understood the original intention of and significance on the founding of the Buddha's Light International Youth League by Master Hsing Yun.
  UNITY: People think that temple groups generally give priority to cultivating monks, why did Master Hsing Yun have the idea of founding the league in the first place?
  Dean Huichuan: In fact, when promoting the Buddha dharma, Master Hsing Yun paid much attention to the targets including both Buddhists and common people. He called for Engaged Buddhism, namely to bring daily life into the Buddha dharma and apply the Buddha dharma to daily life. The Buddha’s dharma should not be put on the shelf or locked in an ancient temple in a mountain. It should be accepted by ordinary people and help them change their minds and bodies. When applied in daily life, it would bring benefits to their lives. This is not exclusive to Buddhists but acceptable to everyone, even if you are not a Buddhist. Master Hsing Yun proposed: Do good things, say good words and has good will.” It should be observed not only by Buddhists but also by everybody.
  The beginning of the youths’ Buddhism learning was not smooth. The Buddhist singing group was considered to be too subversive. Many people were dissatisfied and even threatened Master Hsing Yun. In this case, the master knew that only the mobilizing of youths could bring the real development of Buddhism. So he ignored the threats and kept moving forward.
  Under the guidance of Engaged Buddhism, the Buddha's Light International Youth League was gradually formed and established in 1996. Master Hsing Yun put forward that we need to let the youths develop their Bodhisattva Hearts and strengths to serve the society. He made it clear that what we should do is to motivate the virtuous hearts and enthusiasm of serving the society of youths and guide a right direction for them to devote. From then on, I have been involved in the league affairs.
  慧传院长:其实,星云大师在弘扬佛法的过程当中,很注重出家众和在家众共同弘扬佛法。星云大师提倡人间佛法,即希望能够把佛法生活化,生活能够佛法化。不应该把佛法束之高阁,关在深山古刹里面。而是应该把佛法这么美好的道理让人们接受,能够改变他们的身心,甚至于在日常生活当中贯彻执行,能够对他们的生命有所帮助。这已经不是出家人的专利,而是所有大众都能接受的理念,即便你不是佛教徒。就好像星云大师提倡的“三好四给”,即做好事、说好话、存好心,不仅出家人需要做,所有大众都应该要共同奉行。   青年学佛活动伊始并不顺利,比如佛教歌咏队活动,不少人认为其太过于颠覆传统,所以不满星云大师的这一做法,甚至扬言要对其不利。在这种情况之下,星云大师很清楚,只有把青年朋友带动起来,佛教也才能真正蓬勃发展起来。所以他不理会这些要挟,仍然勇往直前。
  UNITY: The youths have always been the impetus of society, but they do have some problems. What is your opinion?
  Dean Huichuan: In the “World Teenagers’ Forum” held in Boao, I summarized the youths’ situation in Taiwan with the three words of “otaku”, “tedious” and “slack” which mean that they always stay at home and do not want to go out; they are quiet and not talk to parents or people in real life, but communicate with computers, cell phones and the internet with their fingers. Then it turns out to be more serious and they become slack, meaning they lack concentration, since they cannot focus on their fields but just communicate in unlimited information.
  Youths now are confronted with two aspects of difficulties, one is external and the other is internal. The external one means: They have course loads, then emotional burden when growing older and employment problems. Finally it may cause interpersonal alienation, tension between parents and children, the upsurge of self-awareness and the confusion of life direction. All these external elements come from internal problems. A book entitled The Youths’ Problem written by Master Hsing Yun 30 years ago mentioned eight key points. For example, some young people do not have compassion but are selfish and self-concerned; they are easy to become impatient and have no persistence, which means they are “slack” as I just mentioned before.
  UNITY: Are these part of the development of the Buddha's Light International Youth League?
  Dean Huichuan: Yes. Since they have such kind of problems, we want them to change and have healthy personalities. A Bodhisattva Heart relates to mercy and wisdom deep in mind, and we need them to give an external display of the force, which is the strength of youths.   UNITY:这些也是佛光青年发展历程的一部分?
  UNITY: It is also a humanistic guidance for the youths.
  Dean Huichuan: Yes. There were some disasters in the mainland recently, and many volunteers hurried off to the front line. They already have the strength but are scattered around, and a completed system can help them do more things.
  UNITY: What have been the major activities carried out by the Buddha's Light International Youth League?
  Dean Huichuan: In principle we hold the “International Buddha’s Light Young Adult Conference” once a year. Since the establishment in 1996 and the first“International Buddha’s Light Young Adult Conference” in 1997, the conference has been held every year except in 1999. It sometimes is held in Taiwan, sometimes overseas.
  UNITY: Do the participants all come from the league?
  Dean Huichuan: Generally, yes. But there are other groups. When staying at home, they do not know what course to follow for their own life. They are not like this in the beginning when they were full of hope, promise and development. We need to recognize this and push them forward, and it is why we introduce the conference to the whole world.
  What’s more, for those young people from the five continents who cannot gather together every year, we hold a meeting every year in every continent. And we found that, the promotion of Buddhism would be disjointed when dealing with those youths who disagree with Chinese culture. If they recognize the Chinese culture and can speak Chinese, they would be closer and closer to you. I gradually found that these activities were very meaningful. The Chinese culture can be passes on and the youths start to acknowledge and apply Buddhism.
  UNITY: What were the setbacks in these years?
  Dean Huichuan: Resistance came at the beginning. For example, we invited young people to come, but they would not like to. And it was the hardest part, I think. Because it was not a concert for them to go after the stars and boring preach could attract them. Some of them left after a while when losing the feeling of freshness. But difficulties stimulated us to think how to make youths be more confident and want to stay to make contributions. At first, we carried out some activities, and then these were not able to draw their attentions, so we needed to find things for them to do and provided Buddha’s dharma for them to listen to. Their talents should be given the role to play and to be affirmed through two ways. At last, there would be unexpected gains.   UNITY:佛光青年这么多年遇到过什么挫折?
  UNITY: What are the subjects of these activities?
  Dean Huichuan: We start from the perspectives of Zen and culture and do not drag Buddhism in. Then problems are solved since the participants are not all Buddhism learners.
  UNITY: What are the plans for the future development of the Buddha's Light International Youth League?
  Dean Huichuan: Besides the conferences and activities held nowadays, we hope the youths become important followers and leaders to inherit and popularize the concept of Engaged Buddhism. We will host the “International Buddha’s Light Young Adult Conference” from July 10th to 13th this year and welcome young people to join us.
  UNITY: How to become a member of the league?
  Dean Huichuan: We have branch missions all over the world and people can apply to join in. At present, there is no one in the mainland. We need to lay a solid foundation and if permitted by the law, we will set up branch missions in the mainland.
  UNITY: We should promote the activities and purpose of the league among young people to let them feel the power of themselves and then to deal with difficulties in society.
  Dean Huichuan: Yes. In this way, they will not be affected by the surrounding environment and have a central value that they will not go with the flow. When a person has a complete personality, he would start from himself and then gradually influence others. It is what the Master called “A World of Five Harmonies”, namely “self-harmony”, “family harmony”, “people-to-people harmony”, “social harmony” and “world peace”. If you feel peaceful and happy, you are confident of yourself and know your direction. All of these external miscellaneous problems cannot disturb you that you would be truly happy and satisfied.
  慧传院长:对。这样他们就不太会受到周围环境的影响,而且自己有一个中心价值观念,就不会随波逐流。一个人人格健全了以后,他先从自己开始,然后再慢慢地影响扩散到别人。所以大师讲“五和的世界”,即“自心和悦”、“家庭和顺”、“人我和敬”、“社会和谐 ”、“世界和平”。如果你自心和悦,那就是你对自己都已经很有自信了,知道自己的方向了,外面所有的这些杂七杂八的问题,已经干扰不了你了,你才能够自心和悦快乐起来。
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