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Sun Yat-sen University was founded for the purpose of training revolutionaries. Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s mottos of “Serving the public” and “We have not succeeded in revolution and should continue to endeavour” have been encouraging everyone in the University. Leading officials of the previous times had all attached importance to education of patriotism and personal integrity, emphasized the national spirit, Sun Yat-sen University was founded for the purpose of training revolutionaries. Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s mottos of “Serving the public” and “We have not succeeded in revolution and should continue to endeavour” have been encouraging everyone in The University. Leading officials of the previous times had all attached in to education of patriotism and personal integrity, emphasized the national spirit,
本文介绍了不同于传统太阳能电池的设计方法,该方法据称可以降低太阳能电池的生产成本,还可以大幅度地提高转换效率。 This article describes a design approach that is d
近一时期,由于受市场疲软的影响,再加上政府行为和企业行为的双重性,致使多数国营议价粮食经营企业的经济效益严重下降 背上了亏损的包袱。它不仅给国营议价粮食企业的正常
Twenty years ago, I drove a cab for a living. It was a cowboy’s life, a life for someone who wanted no boss. What I didn’t realize was that it was also a mini
据River和Temperly(转引自舒运祥,1999)的统计,人们在语言交际活动中,45%时间用于听(Listening),30%时间用于说(Speaking),用于读(Reading)和写(Writing)的时间分 According
像表一样走什么事情进行得很顺利,要想把这层意思说得形象生动一点,不妨用英语习语go like clockwork或go off like clockwork来表达。顾名思义,正常运转的钟表总会发出滴答
预备役部队寓兵于民,预备役官兵分布各行各业,接受着军地双重领导。在学习贯彻《军队基层建设纲要》中,应注意结合自身特点和实际把握好以下几个问题: 一、澄清思想认识模糊