
来源 :思想与文化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaaldj
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梁漱溟两次声称他经历的思想转变。一次是从佛教转向儒家,另一次是他逃脱西方化的诱惑。虽然人们对他的第一次思想转变听说得比较多,但他第二次思想转变却是最深刻的思想转折。1921年,随着他的名著《东西文化及其哲学》(以下简称《东西文化》)的完稿,他完成了第一次思想折变。第二次思想折变则发生在1927年。20世纪20年代对于梁的思想发展来说是很关键的。20年代初,梁在完成《东西文化》一书时已经开始怀疑其中的一些结论。十年后, Liang Shuming twice claimed his experience changed. One is from Buddhism to Confucianism, and the other is his temptation to escape Westernization. Although people have heard more about his first thought shift, his second thought shift is the deepest turning point in his thinking. In 1921, with the completion of his famous work “East-West Culture and Philosophy” (hereinafter referred to as “East-West Culture”), he completed his first thought change. The second change of thought took place in 1927. The 1920s were crucial to Liang’s thought development. In the early 1920s, Liang was already skeptical of some of these conclusions when he completed the “East-West Culture.” Ten years later,
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