电脑定做 称心满意

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知识经济是当今最热门的话题,实际上,当人们在议论知识经济离我们还有多远的时候,以高科技为基础的知识经济热流已悄悄进入商业界,高科技开始成为革新经营、夺取市场的有效手段。 1997年6月,在美国芝国哥市,一家名为“定做鞋业公司”(Custom Foot Co.)开张伊始,立即引起顾客的注意。在该公司的试鞋室,安置了8台“电脑试鞋机”。顾客坐在椅子上,将脚放在机器的一块支撑上,此时上下左右4台摄像机就开始从不同角度对脚的外形进行扫描,电脑系统把获得的数据与资料库中近万种尺码进行对比,很快就获得了最佳组合尺码。此时显示屏上出现“请试鞋”的字样。顾客根据需要,在规定的键上按几下,屏幕上即出现顾客的脚已“穿”上新鞋的图像,整个过程仅需3~4分钟。鞋子的款式、颜色和尺寸均可改变,直到满意为止。可供挑选的产品,包括皮鞋、运动鞋、凉鞋、休闲鞋、靴子、布鞋、功夫鞋等等。 The knowledge economy is the hottest topic today. In fact, when people are talking about how far the knowledge economy is from us, the high-tech-based knowledge economy has quietly entered the business world. High-tech has become a revolutionary operation. The effective means of the market. In June 1997, at the beginning of the opening of a company named Custom Foot Co. in the city of Shigego in the United States, it immediately caught the attention of customers. In the company’s test shoe room, eight “computer test shoe machines” were placed. The customer sits in a chair and puts his foot on a support on the machine. At this point, four cameras, one up and down, and one right and left, begin to scan the shape of the foot from different angles. The computer system takes the data and database to get the tens of thousands of sizes. In contrast, the best combination size was quickly obtained. The words “please try shoes” appear on the display. The customer presses a few keys on the prescribed key according to his needs. An image of the customer’s foot has been “putted on” on the screen. The entire process takes only 3 to 4 minutes. The style, color and size of the shoes can be changed until they are satisfied. The products that can be selected include leather shoes, sports shoes, sandals, casual shoes, boots, cloth shoes, kung fu shoes and so on.
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