萘酚 AS 广泛应用于染色和油漆工业。它是我国染料工业生产吨位较大的重要产品。不仅国内大量使用,而且还远销国外。因此,萘酚 AS 的质量控制是很重要的。萘酚 AS 含量分析方法主要有:(1)偶合法(2)中和法(3)重量法(4)分光光度测定法(5)紫外分光光度测定法
Naphthol AS is widely used in dyeing and paint industry. It is an important product with larger tonnage in China’s dye industry. Not only large-scale domestic use, but also exported to foreign countries. Therefore, the quality control of naphthol AS is very important. Naphthol AS content analysis methods are: (1) Coupling method (2) Neutralization method (3) Gravimetric method (4) Spectrophotometric method (5) Ultraviolet spectrophotometry