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10年前,初中毕业的刘雪艳带着一脸茫然第一次走出乡村,到一家玩具厂打工。她凭着自己的勤劳、智慧和胆识一路打拼,已发展成为在上海和苏北家乡各拥有一家私营企业、固定资产近千万元、企业用工500多人的女老板。初中生做外企高层管理,靠的是精湛技术和创新勇气 10 years ago, Liu Xueyan graduated from junior high school with a look of awkwardness for the first time out of the village and went to work in a toy factory. She has worked hard with her diligence, wisdom, and courage. She has developed into a female owner who owns a private company in Shanghai and northern Jiangsu Province, owns fixed assets of nearly 10 million yuan and employs more than 500 people. Junior high school students do high-level management of foreign companies, rely on superb technology and innovation courage
根据中国加人世界贸易组织的有关承诺,自2006年1月1日起,取消豆油、棕搁油、菜子油进口关税配额和进口国营贸易管理.此前发布的《农产品进口关税配额管理暂行办法》 Accordi
美国2000年出品Director导演:Gregory Hoblit 格雷戈里·霍布利特Main Cast主要演员:Dennis Quaid丹尼斯·奎德(asFrank Sullivan饰弗兰克·沙利文);Jim Caviezel吉姆·卡维
Dennis Quaid followed in his equally tal-ented (but less attractive) brother Randy’s dra-matic footsteps, and initially broke away fromthe pack in Breaking Aw
These are the 10 occu-pations with the fastest em-ployment growth projectedbetween 1996 and 2006.Asyou can see,a good educa-tion in science and technolo-gy wil
A carpet layer had just finished installing car-pet for a lady. He stepped out for a smoke, only torealize he’ d lost his cigarettes. In the middle ofthe room
如果你要问进入2008年以来什么小本创业项目最火爆,那非瑞客烤翅莫属!民以食为天,每一种小吃项目的推出都会刮起一股休闲小吃热风,比如前些年流行的爆米花、烤肠、棉花糖、章鱼小丸子……而今属于它们的时代已经过去,眼下是一个仅仅只属于瑞客烤翅的疯狂时代!    小本创业几乎是所有平常百姓走上创业之路的最好选择,而在这些小本创业项目中。投资小、见效快的小吃项目成为人们的首选。我国地域广阔,特色小吃项目层出
If you’ re feeling a sense of accomplish-ment at work, it’ s not your imagination--it’ s probably Tuesday. The results are basedupon a survey by scientists.