Caring yourself and experiencing life

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  Do you know what is the biggest factor contributes to adolescent death in China? According to the statistics from the magazine The Economist, the suicide rate of Chinese teenagers has ranked first in the world . In China, about 100,000 teenagers die of suicide each year which is equivalent to two teenagers taking their lives every minute. According to another survey ,Chinese youth suffering from mental disease like depression is up to 24%.It is really a fact that the young generation are under considerable psychological pressure and can hardly find ways to relieve their depression.
  So why is that case? The old generation may argue that today's young people never worry about food and clothing. Not like people from the 60s or 70s ,they didn’t have mental problems because they cannot even be adequately fed. So they can hardly understand the anxiety from the youth and sometimes even blame freedom for making people think too much and regard it as something guilty. Actually I’m not quite agree. In fact, there are two kinds of reason in the world. One is scientific and technological reason, which explores nature, grasps the way the world works and pursues truth. The other is called value reason, which studies society, individuals, and advocates goodness and beauty. These two kinds of reason are at opposite ends of the rational balance and constitute the human ability to understand and transform the world. However, since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, human beings have tasted the huge economic benefits brought by the development of science and technology and have been making it   a unprecedented stage. However, the research on human beings has not made breakthrough progress, and is even ignored by most people. From the fallacy of psychological counseling to the neglect of philosophy, sociology, psychology are enough to prove the balance is already tilting. So we seem destined to be more and more lonely. How to preserve temperature in the "iron cage"made by the overdeveloped science and technology era is the most important but neglected topic in this century.
  Teenagers today were born on a speeding train,new things emerge and change so quickly and they are always pushed by the outside world to learn more to keep up with the times, but can hardly spare time for their inner heart to grow .Their self-consciousness begin to awake ,but their limited energy and time not allow them to form their values completely .So the imbalance between the time and the individuals appear. The feeling is just like what is said by the old professor Morrie: “So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they’re busy doing things they think are important. We really don’t experience the world fully, instead ,we are doing what others do and what others want us to do.”   If we cannot escape and change the society, how can we light a light for ourselves in the cage woven by the social order? Here are some of my thoughts
  Do something useless. Since childhood, our teachers often asked us to read less "useless" books, do less "useless" things, say less "useless" words. And the majority of parents' logic is even more simple, things that do no help to exams, are useless. We learn from an early age that "useful" is the core of the social contract, and therefore "useless" becomes immoral. This "usefulness theory" made me miss out on many of life's treasures. We live cold, hard lives, but we even think we're efficient. Until one day, I was reading an essay on happiness, and it talked about the importance of non-instrumental goals to happiness. When I think about it carefully, it seems that the happiest time is useless time. Because at that time, we live in the present moment and breathe for the sake of breathing. At that time, it is the expression of our true self, the expression of our nature. People are no longer driven and alienated by purpose or interests, but in the most natural way to enjoy life. This can help boost people's happiness.
  What’s more ,it is necessary to have the ability of self-awareness and self-reflection. The philosopher Spinoza said "as long as we have a clear and definite understanding of pain, we no longer feel painful." As far as I’m concerned, the best way to kill pain is to be aware of it, feel it flowing in your body, and then deeply analyze it and reflect on it, just make it your research object ,find out the reason it makes you painful and even more ,why do human beings have such emotion. Not only when you are in pain should you think ,but you should keep it as your daily habit . When a piece of news comes out, try to form your own opinion of the news instead of spending long time reading the comments on the internet. With attitudes towards life formed in your mind, you have just built yourself a great wall which defend you from being affected by the  outside .Descartes said ,I think therefore I am ,always think rationally and deeply ,you can be more transparent and less painful.
  Also, making peace with yourself by acknowledging your limitations and shortcomings. Face the things you think is evil in your spirit directly. Human’s suffering comes from their desire and the things they avoid being. Not allowing oneself to be dark, not allowing life to be complex contributes to most of the psychological problems. To see what on earth we are avoiding is very difficult, even very painful. But only in this way can we see the source of the voices that are constantly questioning and blocking us. Break the useless lock and explore yourself, define yourself, choose yourself. Only in this way can we be "people" in the true sense. It is better to be a gentle beast than "useless innocence".So, "live in your truth, live in the truth of life."
  The way of life can be free and beautiful, but unfortunately we lose the direction. We learn to be efficient, but we also isolate ourselves. Technology, which should have brought abundance, has left us behind in our desires. Our knowledge makes us question everything. Our "cleverness" makes us ruthless. We think too much and feel too little. We need humanity more than technology. We need gentleness and goodness more than knowledge.As a middle school student full of desire and thoughts for psychology, what I can do is limited. I just hope that some people can read this article, realize the lack of "research on people and society" in today's world, and try to do something to get people better.
摘要:“深度学习是一种以知识深度加工、意义建构和深度思维为主要特征的学习”。真正的深度学习,应该是学生的积极思维,教师适时的诱导、引发,帮助学生获得更深刻的理解。以六年级下册《选择购物方案》教学为例,促销活动在生活中司空见惯,作为商家,关注的是生意的成本和利润;作为消费者,关注的是优惠力度的大小;作为教学内容,让学生经历完整的解决问题的过程, 从而实现深度学习。笔者通过“问题导向”“挖掘本质”“解
摘要:互动式教学要求师生之间有言语间的互动交流,互动能够有效的助力学生在随性的交流中获取相关的英语知识和沟通技巧。但在现实实践过程中,互动式教学的实行存在些许教学障碍,从而导致教学活动无法达到既定的英语课堂教学效率和目标。  关键词:课堂互动;初中英语;探究课堂  针对英语学科来说,进行良好的互动具有很大程度的重要性和必要性,能够对整个英语教学的课堂气氛进行一定的调控,促使学生的活跃度更高,参与课
摘要:音乐作为一种精神动力,在人们的行为活动中能够灌输坚定的力量。自从新冠疫情爆发以来,广大音乐工作者发挥自己专长,主动编写抗疫公益歌曲,涌现出近两万首抗疫公益歌曲,为打赢抗疫攻坚战提供音乐人的力量。《因为信仰》是歌颂医务工作人员、警务人员、志愿者等所有为抗疫奋斗的每一位可敬的人,本文将从《因为信仰》的歌词角度出发,分析歌词的内容和价值,为提升抗疫主题音乐创作质量提供引领,提出有效建议。  关键词
摘要:随着城市化进程的快速发展,当下短视频已经成为人们利用碎片化时间最主要的途径之一。而5G网络的普及,也让短视频面临更多的机遇与挑战。本文选取几种短视频主流的传播形式,从传播方法,传播内容,传播心理等几个方面展现短视频的传播规律及其面临5G网络的挑战应做的转型与创新。  关键词:短视频;抖音;传播方式  近年来,随着我国信息技术的不断发展,手机、平板电脑等新兴的智能终端的普及,在媒体环境的改变等
摘要:人们通常认为数学比较枯燥乏味,学起来比较困难,小学生更是如此。所以,小学教师要努力营造轻松和谐、富有生活气息的课堂氛围。只有当学生体会到学习数学的乐趣后,才会主动学习数学,数学教学才能给学生一双能用数学视角观察世界的眼睛、一副能用数学思维思考问题的头脑,从而真正走进数学生活。  关键词: 实际生活;学习数学;感受  小学生学习的应是生活中的数学,是学生“自己的数学”。我们要以一种开放的、 立
摘要:盛可以是“70后”代表性作家,创作颇丰,自登上文坛至今,已著有长篇小说10部,其中《火宅》《北妹》《无爱一身轻》《息壤》各有多个版本。通过探讨这4部小说不同版本的书名差异、副文本中解读性文字及其正文本等变迁,有助于精确、深入理解盛可以小说的思想内容和艺术特征,有助于客观、全面评价盛可以小说的创作成就。  关键词:盛可以;长篇小说;版本  盛可以是“70后”代表性作家,出生于湖南益阳,创作颇丰
摘要:安全学家维果斯基在最近发展区学习理论中告诉我们:“个体在借助外界帮助下能够达到解决问题的能力,说明正处于发展阶段。”体育教学中的防身术是一种新颖且较有效的体育借助方式,它不仅能激发学生的潜能,认识到群体合作的重要性,而且能够发散学生的思维。基于此,在大学体育教学中融入防身术是挖掘学生潜能的有效途径。同时,在防身术中提高学生身体素质。  关键词:大学体育;防身术;合作;团队;潜能;教学  引言
摘要:为能有效促进幼儿在深度学习,这就需要优化区域游戏,让幼儿在区域游戏当中产生兴趣,以兴趣为驱动力,才能促进幼儿深度学习。本文就区域游戏幼儿深度学习缺乏的体现以及支持策略详细探究,期望能为实际教学工作开展提供理论参考。  关键词:区域游戏;深度学习;幼儿学习  为能有效促进幼儿深度学习,这就需要在区域游戏创新设计方面加强重视,最大程度激发幼儿参与的兴趣,才能实现既定教学目标。区域游戏作为重要教学
摘要:在初中数学的教学中,数形结合的思想是其中的一个重难点。但当学生突破了这一重难点后,学生的数学思维以及几何思维都能给得到一定的锻炼,并且也能够提升学生的数学素养,也对学生在日后的数学学习有正面的促进作用。所以,如何提升学生对数形结合思想的认识是十分重要的。故本文主要论述了如何在初中数学教学中渗透数形结合思想。  关键词:初中数学,数形结合,渗透研究  熟练的运用数形结合思想,不仅要求学生对相应