
来源 :中国统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tengyuansai
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为了更好地在全国实行统计员资格考试制度,国家统计局、人事部于5月中旬在广州联合召开全国统计员资格考试工作会议.全国统计员资格考试工作领导小组组长、国家统计局副局长于广沛,副组长、人事部职位职称司司长王雷保同志作了重要讲话,广东省副省长刘维明到会看望与会同志并讲了话.于广沛同志指出:1985年职称改革以来,专业技术职务评聘工作对统计工作的发展起了重要的促进作用,取得了很大的成绩.过去单纯采用评审取得职称的办法也存在不够科学的地方,如评审办法受人为因素影响较大;评聘合一,评了就必须聘;容易用单一业务技术标准代替党的德才兼备的干部政策,忽视对政治表现和实际能力的全面考核;职称和工资待遇挂得太紧, In order to better implement the system of statistician qualification examination throughout the country, the National Bureau of Statistics and the Ministry of Personnel jointly held a meeting on the qualifications of national statisticians in mid-May in China. The head of the leading group of national statisticians in qualification examination, deputy director of the National Bureau of Statistics, Director Wang Guangbao, director of Guangwei, deputy leader and personnel department, made an important speech. Liu Weiming, vice governor of Guangdong Province, paid a visit to the participating comrades and made speeches. Comrade Guangpei pointed out: Since the reform of the title in 1985 , Professional and technical job appraisal job played an important role in promoting the development of statistical work and achieved great results. In the past, the method of obtaining professional titles solely through appraisal also did not have enough scientific aspects. For example, the appraisal method is greatly influenced by human factors ; Appraisal combined with one, appraisal must be hired; easy to use a single business technical standards to replace the party’s political integrity and ability of cadres policy, ignoring the political performance and the actual ability of a comprehensive assessment; job title and pay packages linked too tight,
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Motivation is always a dominatant factor in second language learning and teaching. Dornyei once suggested his model of learners’ motivation, which is, language
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