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以公有制为主的劳动者联合和要素资产者联合相结合的联合产权制度,是生产力要素结构中的科技进步和劳动者要素的提高,已成为替代资本的主导地位而成为起主导的、决定性作用要素的必然产物。它的出现,宣告了资本独占剩余价值和劳动生产率提高的好处的单一资本产权制时代的结束。它能较好地解决历史性的委托代理关系中的所谓“道德风险”问题,并为社会主义公有制同市场经济的有机结合找到了根本性的结合点和坚实的微观基础。它还是现阶段相对公平分配和创建相对和谐社会的经济基础;后发国家生产力跨越式发展的根本动力和可靠的制度保障;也是以统筹兼顾的宏观调控为主导同市场配置资源的有机结合的发展和运行机制的经济基础;人类经济发展史上不可或缺的一种特有的过渡性的产权制度形式。 The joint property system that combines the combination of laborers and factor assets mainly based on public ownership is the advancement of science and technology and the improvement of laborers in the structure of the productive forces and has become the dominant and decisive role of alternative capital The inevitable product of the factor. It emerged that the end of the era of a single capitalist property system proclaiming the benefits of exclusive capital surplus and labor productivity gains. It can well solve the so-called “moral hazard” problem in the historical agency relationship and find a fundamental combination and a solid micro-foundation for the organic combination of socialist public ownership and market economy. It is also the economic basis for the relatively fair distribution and establishment of a relatively harmonious society at the present stage. The fundamental driving force and reliable institutional guarantee for the leapfrog development of the backward countries are also the development of an organic combination of market-based allocation of resources led by the overall macroeconomic regulation and control. And the economic basis of the operating mechanism; an inherently transitional system of property rights that is indispensable in the history of human economic development.
自治区人民政府批准宁夏有色金属冶炼厂、研究所将原七·二一大学改办成职工大学。这是我区被正式批准的第一所职工大学。 Autonomous Region People’s Government approve
1 概述 苏州河支流污水截流工程是苏州河综合整治工程十大子项目中,涉及范围最广、规模最大的一项根治苏州河及其支流污染的工程项目(详见图)。本工程中苏州河支流是指苏州