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6月2日晴看着校园里越来越多的光头在闪亮,我心里又禁不住活泛了。说实话,从小到大除了剃满月那次好像再没让脑袋见过光,所以,剃个光头对我而言极具诱惑。刚进大学,好像应该酷一酷,狠狠心,我朝理发店走去。里面还有几个人在等,老板说:“这么短的头发,理平头吗?”我说:“不,理光 On June 2nd, I watched more and more shaved heads on the campus, and I couldn’t help living. To be honest, from small to large, I didn’t seem to have seen my head anymore except for shaving the full moon. Therefore, shaved baldness was extremely tempting for me. When I first entered college, it seemed like I was going to be cool and cruel. I walked toward the barber shop. There are still a few people waiting inside. The boss said: “Is this short hair, flat?” I said: "No, Ricoh.
Text A(A=doctor;B=patient)A:I can see from your X-ray that your femur is broken in several places,and I’m afraid we’ll have to operate.Lie here,and don’t mo
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