The Effect of Unloading Positions and Times on Sheet Metal’s Stress-Strain Curve

来源 :矿物质和材料特性和工程(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:type
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The loading-unloading-reloading process could affect the tensile deformation of metals with the combined function of stress relaxation and work hardening, which has been reported in multiple experiments. Nevertheless, the effects of different unloading po
Micro molybdenum disulfide was prepared with one-step hydrothermal method;the influence of reactant concentration and temperature on the surface ratio of micro-
摘要:在小学英语课堂教学中,自然、有效的过渡能使教学内容更富有逻辑、教学环节联系得更紧密。有效的教学过渡有助于学生语言知识的学习和构建,有利于学习兴趣的激发和提升,从而提高学习效果。  关键词:小学英语;教学;过渡  中图分类号:G623.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2014)05-0037-03  明代王文录在《文脉》中谈到:“有篇联,脉络贯通;有段联,奇偶迭生……”是强
<正> 卟啉化合物在模拟光合作用、探索高效利用太阳能等方面具有重要的理论意义和应用前景。近年来,人们对共价键相连的“卟啉-醌”类化合物研究较多,而关于“卟啉-硝基”类
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the factors which affect the performance of the loading and hauling equipment at Skorpion zinc mine, Namibia and
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Fatigue is a major issue concerning the use of aluminium composites in structural applications. Fatigue leads to weakening of material majorly due to the strain