Electrophysiological monitoring and identification of neural roots during somatic-autonomic reflex p

来源 :Chinese Journal of Traumatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lizhuang1022
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Objective: To identify and separate the ventral root from dorsal root, which is the key for success of the artificial somatic-autonomic reflex pathway procedure for neurogenic bladder after spinal cord injury (SCI). Here we report the results of intra-operating room monitoring with 10 paralyzed patients. Methods: Ten male volunteers with complete suprasacral SCI underwent the artificial somatic-autonomic procedure under general anesthesia. Vastus medialis, tibialis anticus and gastrocnemius medialis of the left lower limb were monitored for electromyogram (EMG) activities resulted from L_4, L_5, and S_1 stimulation respectively to differentiate the ventral root from dorsal root. A Laborie Urodynamics system was connected with a three channel urodynamic catheter inserted into the bladder. The L_2 and L_3 roots were stimulated separately while the intravesical pressure was monitored to evaluate the function of each root. Results: The thresholds of stimulation on ventral root were 0.02 ms duration, 0.2-0.4 mA, (mean 0.3 mA± 0.07 mA), compared with 0.2- 0.4 ms duration, 1.5-3 mA (mean 2.3 mA± 0.5 mA)for dorsal root (P< 0.01) to cause revoked potentials and EMG. Electrical stimulation on L_4 roots resulted in the EMG being recorded mainly on vastus medialis, while stimulation on L_5 or S_1 roots caused electrical activities of tibialis anticus or gastrocnemius medialis respectively. The continuous stimulation for about 3-5 seconds on S_2 or S_3 ventral root ( 0.02 ms, 20 Hz, and 0.4 mA) could resulted in bladder detrusor contraction, but the strongest bladder contraction over 50 cm H_2O was usually caused by stimulation on S_3 ventral root in 7 of the 10 patients. Conclusions: Intra-operating room electrophysiological monitoring is of great help to identify and separate ventral root from dorsal root, and to select the appropriate sacral ventral root for best bladder reinnervation. Different parameters and thresholds on different roots are the most important factors to keep in mind to avoid damaging the roots and to assure the best results. Objective: To identify and separate the ventral root from dorsal root, which is the key for success of the artificial somatic-autonomic reflex pathway procedure for neurogenic bladder after spinal cord injury (SCI). Here we report the results of intra-operating room monitoring with 10 paralyzed patients. Methods: Ten male volunteers with complete suprasacral SCI underwent the artificial somatic-autonomic procedure under general anesthesia. Vastus medialis, tibialis anticus and gastrocnemius medialis of the left lower limb were monitored for electromyogram (EMG) activities resulted from L_4, L_5, and S_1 stimulation respectively to differentiate the ventral root from dorsal root. A Laborie Urodynamics system was connected with a three channel urodynamic catheter inserted into the bladder. The L_2 and L_3 roots were stimulated separately while the intravesical pressure was monitored to evaluate the function of each root. Results: The thresholds of stimulation on ventral root were 0.02 ms duration, 0.2-0.4 mA, (mean 0.3 mA ± 0.07 mA), compared with 0.2- 0.4 ms duration, 1.5-3 mA (mean 2.3 mA ± 0.5 mA) for dorsal root (P <0.01) to cause revoked potentials and EMG. Electrical stimulation on L_4 roots resulted in the EMG being recorded primarily on vastus medialis, while stimulation on L_5 or S_1 roots caused electrical activities of tibialis anticancer or gastrocnemius medialis respectively. The continuous stimulation for about 3-5 seconds on S_2 or S_3 could cause in bladder detrusor contraction, but the strongest bladder contraction over 50 cm H 2 O was usually caused by stimulation on S_3 ventral root in 7 of the 10 patients. Conclusions: Intra-operating (0.02 ms, 20 Hz, and 0.4 mA) room electrophysiological monitoring is of great help to identify and separate ventral root from dorsal root, and to select the appropriate sacral ventral root for best bladder reinnervation. Different parameters and thresholds on different roots are the most important factors to keep in mind to avoid damaging the roots and to assure the best results.
The characteristic wind curve(CWC)was commonly used in the previous work to evaluate the operational safety of the high-speed trains exposed to crosswinds.Howev
上榜理由:6个小时即做出决策的政企分开,中国最彻底的铁路改革启动,让传统的铁路一步迈向大市场。这是一个时代的结束,也是一个时代的开始。  多年以来,对铁路行业政企不分、垄断、服务差的质疑不断,公众一直期待发起深入全面的铁路改革。2013年,沉寂已久的铁路改革终于拉开大幕。  2013年3月13日下午,全国各地铁路局“大员”被火速召集进京开会。14日9时,十二届全国人大一次会议表决通过了关于国务院机
人教版九年义务制教材《几何》第三册第206页有这样一道题:在锐角三角形ABC中,BC=a,CA=b,AB=c,外接圆半径为R.求证: The nine-year compulsory teaching material of the P