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■1989年至1990年间,我国城市夫妻对婚姻关系满意的占59.1%,认为一般的占32.1%,而认为不满意的仅为4.1%(见刘达临《中国当代性文化——中国两万例“性文明”调查报告》);可是8年后的1998年,我国城市夫妻对婚姻关系的满意度呈现出了下降趋势,即由原来的59.1%降到了53%,还有就是在对自己的婚姻自认一般者明显减少的同时,对婚姻不满意的人反倒增加到了19.8%(据《女性月刊》)。 ■著名性学家刘达临有关调查显示,我国夫妻拥有婚外性(必须注意到,刘先生没有使用婚外恋概念)伴侣的比例仅为6.0%,且男性明显高于女性。然而根据美国杰出性学家海特女士论述,大数外遇(它与婚外性和婚外恋概念常被混用)即74%从未被发现,而有外遇的女性也只有1/4会被“曝光”,故此通常学者们得出的相关数字化研究结果其实很可疑。 ■首都一家期刊大致就“感受浪漫”的障碍之一“婚姻总会使配偶双方感到一些沉重”,问及读者“如果换一个配偶,是否会好一些呢?”该杂志得到的回寄问卷表明,经常这样想的女性有14%,偶尔想一想的为53%,从未想过的是31%。事实是“即便感情很好的夫妻,也难免偶尔冒出这样的设想”。而本刊部分记者,在小范围内做过的一项“如果有来生,你是否还愿意与你现在的妻子或丈夫携手共赴”的非正式调查也显示 ■ Between 1989 and 1990, 59.1% of married couples in urban areas were satisfied with their marital relations, accounting for 32.1% in general and only 4.1% not satisfied (see Liu Dalin, “Contemporary Chinese Culture - 20,000 Cases in China” However, after 8 years in 1998, the marital satisfaction of couples in cities in China showed a downward trend, from 59.1% to 53%, and there was a change in their marriage While recognizing a marked decrease, the number of people who were not satisfied with the marriage increased to 19.8% (according to the “Women’s Monthly”). ■ The famous sexologist Liu Dalin related survey shows that couples have extra-marital sex (we must note that Mr. Liu did not use the concept of extra-marital love) only 6.0% of partners, and men were significantly higher than women. However, according to the United States eminent sexologist, Ms. Heter discussed, the major affair (which is often mixed with the concept of extra-marital sex and extra-marital sex) that 74% have never been found, and only one-quarter of women who have an affair will be “exposed ”So, in general, the relevant digitized research results drawn by scholars are in fact very suspicious. ■ One of the main journals in the capital, one of the “feelings of romance” barriers, is “Marriage always feels heavier on both spouses,” asks the reader “Would it be better if I switched to a spouse?” The magazine’s return questionnaire showed 14% of women who think so often, 53% think of occasionally, and 31% never think of it. The fact is that “even if the feelings of good couples, but also inevitably emerge such an idea.” However, some of our journalists, who conducted a small-scale informal survey of whether you are willing to join hands with your current wife or husband if you have a future life, also showed
1 铁筷子的形态学特征铁筷子(Helleborus thibetanus Franch.),又名黑毛七、小山桃儿七或嚏根草,隶属毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)铁筷子属,该属约有20种植物,我国只特有铁筷子1种
有些人一结婚就迫不及待地想生孩子,把一腔母爱倾注在其身上。可有的人已过了生育最佳年龄,还迟疑在生育的大门之外,她们是怎么想的呢,请听: As soon as some people get married
“陈教授:很早就想给您写信,但我一直拖了有三年之久。这期间我始终痛苦不堪。 我很敏感,总觉得别人对我冷淡,有时故意与别人说说笑笑,尽量让自己高兴起来。可怎么也控制不
你的性爱生活可有擦出火花?你跟他的星座是否配合,性关系是高潮迭起或细水长流? Your sex life can have sparks? Are you constellation with his orgasm, orgasms?