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ESWL治疗泌尿系结石1287例排石情况分析益阳地区人民医院杨炼球,颜学成,毛伦,关罗根,龙再元我院自1988年11月至1992年3月,使用BD8828型B超定位水囊式体外震波碎石机治疗泌尿系结石1287例、取得良好效果,排石满意。1临床资料1.1一... ESWL treatment of 1287 cases of urinary stones row of stone analysis Yiyang People’s Hospital Yang Lianqiu, Yan Xuecheng, Mao Lun, Guan Lugen, Long re-Yuan Our hospital from November 1988 to March 1992, the use of BD8828 type B super-positioning water sac Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy treatment of 1287 cases of urinary stones, and achieved good results, row of stone satisfaction. 1 clinical data 1.1 a ...
<正> 1.机型:春兰RF14W型 故障现象:室内机液晶屏有显示,但室外机无反应,且蜂鸣器长鸣。 分析与检修:该空调器具有自检功能,观察液晶屏未显示故障代码。从故障现象分析,可能
Let ■ be a real semisimple Lie algebra, ■ be a Cartan subalgebra of ■, Aut (■) be the automorphism group of ■ and Ad( ■ ) be the inner automorphism group
Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION On the basis of chemical rate theory and detailed balance principle; Aziz has established the nonequilibrium partition model of solute during r
The unit cell model proposed by Gurson can only describe the yielding behavior of some materials with voids having typical structures, and therefore it is unrea
The question on the origin of the optically active molecules in nature has puzzled scientists for a long time. Shortly after Lee and Yang discovered the parity
Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION The yield criterion or&#39; materials under combined stresses is the important foundation for the research of constitutive law of materials, an