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  Onmyoji, rich with the traditional art style of China and Japan, is a turn-based① mobile fantasy RPG with card collecting② and card battle elements③. After sweeping④ the Chinese mobile game market, Onmyoji is coming to Japan.
  After two-month pre-registration in Japan, Onmyoji game has gained over 250 thousand pre-registered users in Japan by January 24, which achieved the game’s pre-registration goal ahead of schedule.
  It not only ranks No. 1 on top 10 on the pre-registration list in Japan, but also ranks among the top 3 in many Japanese player communities⑤ including LOBI.
  Since the Chinese version of this game was released worldwide in October last year, it has reached the top 1 in iPhone Top Grossing⑥ in New Zealand, Australia and Canada, top 8 in the UK iPhone Top Grossing, and top 10 in the US iPhone Top Grossing.
  Onmyoji has also ranked No. 1 in Hong Kong and Taiwan in Top Grossing on both App Store and Google Play at the same time after the localized⑦ version was released on December 16.
  The visual style and culture elements of Onmyoji is a wisp of fresh air⑧ in the Chinese mobile game market. As the Japan released of the game, a western version of Onmyoji might also be available soon.
  在去年12月16日发布台湾和香港版本之后,《阴阳师》同时成为了这两个地区App Store和Google Play上收入最高的游戏。

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