
来源 :中国法学教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meng8500
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西部基层人才培养应当立足西部基层法律实务的现实需求,激发学生对西部基层司法实务的探索兴趣,促进学生对法学基础理论知识掌握的同时,提高学生结合西部基层地区特色和司法现状进行法律适用的综合实践能力。因此,有必要通过西部基层实务案例研习、西部基层实务部门司法卷宗学习等途径,突破法学教学与西部基层实务部门的距离障碍和地区差异,在法学教学过程中充分展示和利用差异化的地方司法实务特色和经验,实现法学实践教学和西部基层地区地域特色与司法现状的二位一体。 The cultivation of grass-roots talents in the western region should be based on the actual needs of grass-roots western grass-roots legal practice, to stimulate students to explore the grassroots judicial practice in western exploration interest, promote students to grasp the basic theoretical knowledge of law at the same time improve students with the characteristics of the western grass-roots areas and the status of the judicial application of law Comprehensive practical ability. Therefore, it is necessary to break through the obstacles in the distance between law teaching and the grass-roots western grass-roots departments and the regional differences through practical case study in the western grass-roots units and the judiciary file learning in grass-roots western grass-roots units so as to fully demonstrate and utilize the differentiated local justice in the teaching of law science Practice characteristics and experience, and realize the legal practice of teaching and the basic features of the western region of the basic features of the status quo and judicial status of the two in one.
公路限速对防止交通事故的发生作用重大。传统的路旁限速标志牌,对一些司机的限速作用有限。我应用工业设计中的“错视”原理,在公路路面上绘制出看起来具有“立体”感的平面图案(图1)。当司机行车看到此图案时,会产生前面横一障碍物的心理作用,从而主动减速行驶……。我设计的这个车辆限速标志,有利于提高公路行车安全。  (本作品荣获第十八届全国青少年科技创新大赛优秀科技创新工程类一等奖;作者:湖南省一陵市第二中
1999年广东省首先在全国施行“3 +X”高考。化学广东卷在以往全国卷基础上作了较大的调整 :与去年全国卷比较 ,基础题比例加大 ,由 2 7%上升为 3 4 % ,题量要求放宽 ,由 3 5
英语中“建议、请求”的方法很多 ,现总结如下 :一、What(How)about +名词 (代词、动名词 ) ?这种句型表示说话人提出某事 ,征求对方意见。常译成“……怎么样 ?”1、Whataboutacupoftea ?喝一杯茶怎么样 ?2